Thursday, June 21, 2012

LogMeIn For iPad Has Nasty Security Flaw

I've been a LogMeIn user since the Hamachi days. Several months ago I installed the iPad version of LogMeIn. I was really excited, and have used the application numerous times with success. I remotely connect to an iMac which is my main computer.

A few weeks ago I was poking around the settings and noticed the blank screen mode was set, but the computer I was logged into was till wide open. I'm sitting in front of the host PC, logged in through the iPad version of LogMeIn. I turn the feature on and off, and also turn the remote keyboard off too. I see a message that says it's disabled, but guess what, it's not!

This whole time I'm thinking the screen was blanking every time I connected to my remote computer the screen remains fully open for any one to see what I'm doing. I know, I should have taken the time check and make sure the screen really went blank. Surprise, it doesn't.

This is a serious security hole if you ask me. If I am trying to connect to an office computer, or a personal computer, I would expect the host (remote) computer to blank the screen during my session, if the setting is turned on.

There are many complaints on LogMeIn forums and disgruntled blog posts, none of which have a solution. I see many cases where LogMeIn says they will fix this problem that has persisted for what looks like years. There also appears to be a problem with people getting their money back when they discover this problem. Purchased through iTunes, of course it now becomes Apple's problem. LogMeIn feels their owe you nothing.

My Windows friends apparently don't have this problem. I'm so glad they are getting what they paid for.

LogMeIn for crying out loud, please fix your broken software. We paid you for it, and it's an advertised feature. 3, 4, 5 years is long enough to come up with a solution.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Review: ParkerPlanner For iPhone

Review of the iPhone app ParkerPlanner, The review is in the video.

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