Thursday, November 27, 2014

Show Featured Image After Shareaholic - WordPress

Placing a featured image before the first content paragraph but after the Shareaholic social sharing links plugin. This is pretty simple, but just in case someone needed a quick solution, here is the code. In my case, my theme didn't support this, and I created a child theme so I could update without overwriting my custom changes. It's always smart to create a child theme.

My other Github code.

Link to image here.

Revealed: The Lost Chapter of Interstellar

Did you know that WIRED Magazine included a short graphic story called REVEALED: THE LOST CHAPTER OF INTERSTELLAR in their latest magazine issue? In the paper version they inserted the story over several pages. But you can read the entire thing online here.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

No Longer Haunted By The Question

Vague title right? Jason Alba at JibberJobber used an old post, "A Question That Haunts Me Wherever I Go", to make some points today about being able to communicate what you do, and who you are. At the time I wrote that post, I really was struggling with an identity, and an ego. "You should know me!" I exclaimed. Wow was I wrong. It was all my fault, and I finally solved the problem.

Elevator pitches are hard to construct, and most people pitch the wrong thing. I'm probably doing the wrong thing in a few eyes, but here is what I finally came up with and it seems to have been working pretty well.

When someone asks me what I do, or who I am , or you know, wants to know what my expertise is, I give them three words "I'm a coder." Not vague, and it does something very important for me. If you're not interested in coders or coding, you say cool and move on. However, it's been my experience that those three words lead to a broader discussion, even if it's short-lived. Usually, the next question is, what is a coder or what do you code? See, now I have the chance to give the person a little more information, and I might be able to frame my answer based on my location, or who is asking the question.

I don't need to sell you on a company or a service if our time is short. I can hand over a business card or tell them to Google my name, Thom Allen, Thom with an H, and say let's chat if you have any coding needs. My website gives them more than enough information. Hopefully I can get their card or name, and now we can start a networking relationship, or better yet, a business relationship.

I've tried the 30 second elevator pitch: "I do this and that, or this and that, and I can do this or that." Some elevator pitches actually derail the opportunity to do business with someone. If your pitch doesn't contain something they are interested in, they just say cool and move on. Lost opportunity.

Again, I'm not claiming this to be perfect, or that it would work for anyone else. All I know is it works for me, I'm not painted into a corner, and I don't feel the need to inundate the person asking with TMI, too much information.

Picture from Robert

Your Doing It All Wrong - How to Carve a Turkey

I don't think I let my turkey stand long enough to be able to carve my turkey the way this guy does.


Friday, November 21, 2014

New Metallica Song: Lords of Summer

I'm not sold on the St. Anger style Metallica has adopted, not sure if it's easier on aging bones, but its not like Metallica of old. Oh well, this is a new song, which isn't really new, but I just stumbled across it today.

Take a few minutes and watch.


Friday, June 20, 2014

Progress And Update On Cancer Fight

Hello everyone, I wanted to give an update on my cancer and treatment. Most importantly, I want to thank everyone for their support. I remain amazed and humbled, and despite the up and down nature of fighting cancer, leaning on my family and friends help me get through each day.

At the moment I'm finishing up my firth round of chemo, with an additional treatment next week. After that, we will do what is called a PET CT scan which looks throughout my body to see if the cancer has spread, and if the tumor has shrunk. Basically we want to see if the chemo treatments are working.

The next steps after the scan are two more rounds of intravenous chemo, then a long stint of direct tumor radiation therapy and oral chemo.

All of this is dependent on my blood. Chemo kills blood cells, and because of that the blood is unable to produce things like blood platelets. Several times during treatment I've had low white blood cells and low platelets, both of which prevent chemo treatment, and puts off my schedule.

We're fighting hard. My faith is strong, my attitude is still positive, and I'm dedicated to doing what ever it takes to stay on track and win this fight. Again I want to thank everyone for their continued support, thoughts and prayers. These gifts don't go unnoticed and touch me deeply.

And one final thought, if you wonder what I do all day, here is a small look. Most of the time I spend staying up to date with what's happening in the tech field, I want to stay fresh and sharp so when I go back to work I can give the same amount of help as I have in the past. I also spend time helping my family get to places they need to go, usually watching a grand child, which of course is a joy. I've also been doing some genealogy, and if I could get Scott Olsen to give me some direction, I'd be taking way more photos than I have been.

I also exercise when possible, read (my kindle is over flowing), and listen to music. I've burnt through Netflix and am always looking for more shows to watch. I've played Xbox thanks to my team supplying the best game on the planet, NASCAR, which I've gotten some good play time with.

Gina and I try to spend as much time together as possible. It's important for us to remain connected, true with each other, and supportive. Going through this isn't easy. I want to be able to share what is really going on with me, how I feel, every little pain and stress. And I also want to know what is going on with her, how she feels, and give her the support she needs as she faces this battle with me. She has been so supportive, my rock. My kids, my extended family, have all been there to support me. I love them all.

I also want to thank Bob, John and Clint for checking in on me nearly every day, and for coming over, it's nice to see your faces. If any of you want to come visit, just let me know, I'd love the company.

I guess all in all I just try to stay busy. Keep my mind sharp, brain educated, and soul nourished. Keep sending good thoughts my way, I can feel it, believe me.

Signing off for now.

Picture provided by James Wheeler

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Salt Lake City Utah FantasyCon 2014 Ticket Giveaway #2

Here we go again, more tickets to give away. These tickets are for Friday July 4th only. Even though this is the 4th of July, you know you can go to FantasyCon all day then find a place to watch the fireworks? There are several places downtown that will fireworks.

Also, another great reason to attend FantasyCon; meeting the cast from The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. Take a look at who will be attending, you will be amazed.

OK, so the rules for this ticket giveaway? You must

  • Comment on this post, be sure to include your email address so I can contact you.

  • Share this post on Twitter, Facebook or Google+.

  • When you leave a comment, add your Twitter, Facebook or Google+ profile link so I can see where you posted.

  • And if you want to rise above the crowd, post a photo on Instagram of you're favorite character from Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit. In the comments, tell us why, and link back to this post. I'll give anyone who does this preference when picking. Hey it's my contest.

I'll draw the lucky winners on Sunday June 22nd. You won't want to miss this. Good luck.

Did you also know with a ticket to FantasyCon, you can also get into WesterCon67, which in the Marriott City Creek Hotel. Yes you heard that right, you can get into WesterCon67 with your FantasyCon ticket. Two for the price of one. You'll be in con heaven for sure. But please, pace yourself.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Salt Lake City Utah FantasyCon 2014 Ticket Giveaway #1


FantasyCon is coming to Salt Lake City, Utah on July 3-5, at the Salt Palace Convention Center. This is going to be an amazing event, something you have never expereienced before. This isn't ComicCon at all, it's a unique fantasy adventure. From web site:

FantasyCon brings you the next biggest thing in fan conventions: a fully immersive, interactive experience that turns fantasy into reality and attendees into participants. More than a con, it’s a circus, a Las Vegas show, movie theater, battle arena, major theme park ride, a living dreamscape—designed and created by world-renowned fantasy artists, set designers, and professional costume and makeup artists. At FantasyCon, you’ll be surrounded by live performers, realistic battles, jugglers, magicians, professional cosplayers—and a towering, smoke-breathing dragon. Oh yeah, we also have quality dealer booths and exciting panel sessions like the other cons—if you have time to squeeze them into your action-packed weekend.
Now’s your chance to live in your fantasy world and become the hero, wizard, commander, princess, or sneaky villain you’ve always wanted to be. #Jointheadventure

I'm really excited to attend FantasyCon, and I want to share my excitement with you. I have several tickets to give away, and here is what you need to do to be entered in this fun give away. Here are the rules:

  • I will randomly pick one person from the comments below

  • You must have followed all the instructions if your name is selected to win the tickets

  • I get to make the final decision if you get the tickets, because, well, this is my contest

  • I'll mail you the tickets, it's easiest for me

  • If you comment more than once, you'll be eliminated, once is all you need

  • If you win a ticket, you aren't eligible to win any more tickets

I'll be giving away TWO separate Adult General Admission tickets for Thursday July 3rd. The instructions are easy; comment below why you're excited to attend FantasyCon. Next share this post on at least one of your social networks (using the buttons provided at the top of this post). I'll randomly pick a winner from those who comment below on Friday 6-11-2014.

More ticket giveaways over the next few days. Also, this is a new video just released, and gives you an inside look at what to expect at FantasyCon.

Disclaimer: This ticket giveaway is sponsored by me, and I have the final say in who wins the tickets. The tickets were provided by

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Encrypting Evernote Notes

I use Evernote for just about everything. But one thing that I fear is someone breaking into my account, or their server, and accessing private data. I want to keep more personal info in Evernote because that's where most of my life resides. I wanted to share a quick way to

Friday, June 6, 2014

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Posting via Dropbox

Testing a new WordPress plugin that's let's you write a post using markdown, save it in a Dropbox folder, and WordPress checks periodically to see if there is a new file to Post via Dropbox post.

Posting via Evernote

Testing Zapier posting to WordPress with Evernote.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Tumor Killing Juice

I'm not sure I will ever get used to this recipe.

Disclaimer: this really isn't a tumor killing juice, although the book we got the recipe from said it was a tumor killer. Tabasco sauce makes all the difference.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

More Juicing - Better

Two new smoothie and juices. Much better this time.

Out And Back Southern Utah

Gina and I had to pick up our Daughter from college today. We made a few detours along the way. It was nice to get out after a crappy previous few days.

[pe2-gallery album="" ]

Friday, May 2, 2014

Avalanche Lose Game 7 To Wild

Wild vs. Avalanche Game 7 Results

30 Day Blogging Challenge: Day Two – 3 Fears I Have

First fear: being trapped in a box or something that is locked from the outside. I'm not claustrophobic, but I do get freaked out when I am trapped and can't work my way out.

Second fear: Insects, bugs, spiders, that might crawl on my body. Nothing freaks me our more that having an unknown bug crawling on my head or neck. I have been know to jump around a little when this happens.

Third fear: Losing my job. When you are a husband and father, putting food on the table, clothing, and shelter are always a worry, and having a job to pay for them is always top of my list. My fear is that I will be let go from a company and then never be able to get another job. Foolish notion, but it drives me to have more than one option.

These are generally my fears. Took me a while to really come up with these.

Find all 30 Day Blogging Challenge posts here.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

He Is Risen - Mormon Tabernacle Choir

Learn more at the Mormon Tabernacle Choir website.

30 Day Blogging Challenge: Day One - Twenty Random Facts About Myself

Twenty random facts about myself:

  1. I have cancer

  2. United States Marine

  3. I like to read magazines starting from the back (that's where the best stories)

  4. I was a DJ at a skating rink

  5. I've touched 5 continents

  6. I hate black licorice

  7. I always carry more gadgets than I need

  8. I love Jazz Music

  9. Long time Metallica fan

  10. I have three grandchildren (as of today)

  11. Huge science fiction and fantasy genre fan

  12. I can't stand the sight of blood

  13. I once installed a token ring network

  14. I ran to the hospital in a 3 piece suite, in the desert, in July, to see my second child born

  15. I've played in several orchestras

  16. I broke a tooth in my wife's mouth with a boom box

  17. I fall asleep in under a minute

  18. I don't need an alarm clock to wake me up

  19. I live in Utah and have never been snow skiing

  20. I like to wear geek t-shirts

This was fun.

Edge.js Brings Node.js and .Net Together

Great article from Scott Hanselman on Edge.js bringing Node.js and .Net together on three different platforms; Mac, Windows, Linux.

First Attempt At Juicing

Trying to make a juicing recipe, didn't go so well. Stoic picture before I actually try the juice.

[pe2-image src="" href="" caption="" type="image" alt="IMG_20140501_082642.jpg" ]

Chemotherapy One

I'm feeling well enough today to chat about my first chemo treatment. The overall report is it was like sitting in a chair with an IV in your arm, for five hours. Boring. My beautiful supportive wife spent the entire time with me (a must if you are sitting immobile for that amount of time.) And my daughter Ashley dropped in to say hi and take a quick photo.

The only real after effect for me was feeling very tired and run down. Doc said to expect that. Even today, the next day, I'm not feeling that bad, although I've had a headache since yesterday, not sure if it's related.

That's it for this report. Again, I appreciate all the love and support from everyone. Keep fighting.

#cancersucks #keepfighting

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Late Night Salt Lake City Photowalk

Gina and I went out for a really late night photowalk. It was more like a photo drive. Wanted to get something from the Salt Lake City skyline, but didn't really know where to go. Stumbled upon this area above Memory Grove park. Seemed as good as it was going to get.

[pe2-gallery album="" ]


Sunday, April 27, 2014

A Family Photo

The Family

We don't always get together, but when we do...


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Future Is What You Make It

I've spent days trying to come up with a title for this post. And this is what I came up with. The future really is what you make it.

This post is an update on where I am and what the future holds. In my lat post, I mentioned I was waiting for all the tests to come back (even a few after the last post update, two separate biopsies), and to discuss options. The tests came back. We had the discussions. The risks of surgery are just too great, and we decided that won't be an option. It was a difficult decision because it would have had the greatest chance of long term success. My liver just isn't healthy enough to sustain my life on what would be left.

After all is said and done, I'll be starting chemo and radiation treatment in the next few days. I have no idea what to expect (except the lost of the last few hair follicles I have left.) I'm going into this with the support of my family and friends. I'm still laughing (thank you John Middleton), getting out of the house a bit (spent some time at Comic Con, thanks Cody for the great picture), and spending time with my grandchildren, who I love dearly.

Here's to the next few months. I'll continue to update as usual, now that the waiting is over. Thank you for taking the time to read, leave encouragement, and just being there.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Monday, April 14, 2014

Top 20 Replies By Programmers When Their Programs Don't Work

We can laugh at ourselves right? I've given a few of these over the years.


Saturday, April 12, 2014

Smelling The Roses

Over the past month and a half I feel like I've been on the worlds largest roller coaster, with no end in sight. Long downward drops, steep uphill climbs, fast corners that rip your head back and to the side, all the while trying to remain calm and optimistic.

I've spoken to many of you personally, through email, and text message. Keeping in contact with my friends and family are important to me. I don't want to be unplugged, unreachable, or locked away. I've received hundreds of prayers, well wishes, letters of encouragement, and tokens of support and friendship. You will never know or understand how much this helps me get through each day.

Connecting with each of you is just as therapeutic for me as I assume it is for you. I could not imagine trying to fight this fight without all of you at my side. I want everyone who is interested to know what's happening and stay connected (I assume that's the case if you are reading this.) And while I will continue to share updates and what is happening next, the level of detail is not important, in fact it causes me stress because I'm not able to answer everyone's questions, you guys are a smart bunch of cookies.

As I had mentioned a few days ago, we had a very important and critical meeting with a doctor to discuss the mountain of test data and talk about surgical options. We had the meeting. We talked about each option and each possibility. The bottom line after the meeting was it's a tough call. I don't want this to come across as a negative why me, why me, discussion. The plain truth is, this is a tough cancer, in a tough spot, combined with other health issues I have, makes surgery an even tougher and more risky proposition than we had hoped. And of course chemo and radiation are on the table as well. Neither is fun, and neither are the ultimate answer, because there just isn't one. It's picking the lesser of two evils so I can continue to fight a good fight.

One thing I've tried to remember is no one is to blame for this cancer, except possible choices I've made with my health. I'm not questioning my faith in God, not blaming God or anyone else for that matter.  I don't have time, patience, or energy to blame. As most of my friends and family will attest, I'm someone who wants to move fast. I'm ready, have been ready, for several weeks, to get a treatment plan underway.

Please understand things like stage, phase, life expectancy, percentage, time frame, aren't important for our discussions. That's personal and private, and only cause me and my family stress having to discuss them over and over again. My sweet wife is dealing with something far beyond what either of us could have imagined at this time in our life. I'm heartbroken the worry, stress, and uncertainty this brings her, and the tough decisions we need to make. I'm heartbroken my children have to experience worry, stress and uncertainty about this as well.

I'm smelling the roses while I still can. Everyday grows more precious. I'm not worrying about the coulda, shoulda, wouldas. Doing the things we keep putting off for another day. That day is here.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Still Waiting Part Deux

I'm still here, waiting. I've been reminded on numerous occasions that waiting is probably the best thing right now, because we want all the doctors to have the information they need to come up with the best course of treatment. But that doesn't change the fact I'm getting extremely impatient.

I don't really have anything new to report. I'm meeting with a surgeon tomorrow who could potentially be performing a liver resection. I'm hoping the discussion is that she is ready to move on to the next phase which is actually doing the surgery.

Next week is Salt Lake Comic Con FanX, and I have a concert on the calendar for next week as well. Those are two things I've been looking forward to for some time, and purchased tickets well before my diagnosis. I'm going to be bummed if I can't attend either of these (I may need to sell my VIP Comic Con ticket.)

I will update again tomorrow after I've had a chance to meet with the surgeon. Again, thank you for all the support, love, and encouragement.

Monday, April 7, 2014

After A Few Days With Amazon fireTV

Once the Amazon fireTV was turned on, and connected my Amazon account without any action on my part, I was excited to get right into it.

The obvious difference between the fireTV and other streaming boxes is the fireTV is based on the Android operating system. The biggest difference with this box over others is the natural integration with Amazon Prime Instant Video. Just like the Kindle where books are the primary interface, Prime movies and TV shows are the primary interface, Netflix, Hulu and others are secondary apps.

Finding items to watch is as simple as speaking into the remote what you want, and it did a great job of finding nearly all the items I searched for. At first it was a little clunky, I was pressing the speak button and letting go then talking into the remote. Nothing was happening. Turns out you need to hold down the speak button until you are through speaking. Either I didn't see the instructions or I was trying to use it like Siri. The other thing that I thought was weird is I couldn't speak my username and passwords when setting up Netflix and Hulu? Seemed like I should be able to do that just as easily as speaking a search.

I like that the remote is very minimalist, however, the ring used to navigate left, right, up and down, should have some kind of arrows on it for those not used to that kind of interface. I was ok but my wife wasn't sure what to do to go back and forth.

I haven't had time to check out games, but I'll get there. I don't see games becoming a huge boon for this device as people aren't trained to use their streaming media box as a game console, they are using their Xbox for that.

Everything about this box is excellent. The thin size, speed, and simple remote make it a great choice. I'm certainly glad I picked it up.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Why I'm Ditching Roku For Amazon Fire TV

Amazon Fire TV

I've been a Roku fan for a while, owning versions 1 through 3 and several variations. I don't have cable TV and use streaming almost exclusively, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Hulu Pro are my main stays. But throw in Plex streaming from a local server and Roku struggles.

The three things that sold me immediately on the Amazon FireTV (affiliate link) were

  • Quad core processor - screaming fast

  • 2GB of on board memory - reduces buffering

  • Voice search - find things without using the crappy single character on screen search

I'm not a gamer, but games are included with this box. I'm sure that will be one way of bringing devs into the fold. I should be getting the device tomorrow and will post what I find, but in the mean time, go buy one right now.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Over the past couple of days my dad has had a few tests to determine if he would be a good candidate for a procedure that would allow the doctors to surgically remove the tumor on his liver. We still don't know the outcome of the Pet Scan from last week, but the Angiogram performed today seemed to have very positive results. The Angiogram test was to take a picture of how his blood vessels are laid out and how they supply blood to the liver and surrounding organs.

We're hoping the oncologist and surgeon find both tests positive so a surgical procedure can be performed that will help my dad fight the cancer quicker. More to follow.

 As always, we appreciate the love, thoughts and prayers from everyone.


Hey everyone,

My dad wanted a wristband (the rubber kind) in his cancer color to wear, and a few family members have them to. If you would like one I can get you one for $3.50 a piece. Where I get them, they do not have child ones but you could always get those online (Amazon) or here and here.

Please contact me at ashlenalley@gmail if you would like me to get you one!


Saturday, March 29, 2014

Colorado Avalanche Secure Playoff Berth


Adding A Fixed Utility Bar To WordPress Genesis Theme

I wanted to add a new utility bar at the top of my site that was fixed. Using Carrie Dils example with a small modification, I achieved what I wanted. Thanks Carrie.

Here are the additions I added:

.utility-bar {
background-color: #4cbb17;
border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
color: #ddd;
font-size: 12px;
font-size: 1.2rem;
padding: 10px 0;
padding: 1rem;
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
line-height: .5 !important;
z-index: 1;

And I had to make a small change to padding for the @media areas so the title had some distance between the green and the the text. Carrie's example included two sidebars, I only included one and stretched it to 100% in CSS.

Friday, March 28, 2014

This Sunday

We are having a fast for my dad this coming Sunday the 30th of March for very positive results from tests he's taking over the next few days.

We continue to appreciate all of the prayers, words of encouragement and love from all of you. Thank you.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


I want to take a minute and thank everyone, my wife Gina, without her I would be completely lost. My wonderful children, Jake, Linsey, Ashley and Jessica, for all of their support, help and daily encouragement. The hundreds of family and friends who have reached out and helped, offered prayers, and more encouragement. You'll never know how grateful I am.

I must admit it's a little overwhelming to feel the amount of love and concern. There is nothing more valuable to me than the love of my God, my family, and my friends.

We'll have more to share over the next few days. Things are progressing, and I'll continue to need everyones positive vibes. I love all of you.

With a very sincere heart,


Chemotherapy Class

Utah Cancer Specialists offers a class on the chemotherapy process and what to expect in the clinic. Gina and I attended last night (not wasting any time to learn what I'm in for). The class was very informative and I learned a couple of things:

1. My therapy will last about 4.5 hours once a week. The clinic offers a great lounge type area, big chairs, and of course, wifi. All electronic devices are welcomed, so I'm good to go.

2. Quickly my immune system will be impaired and I'll be more susceptible to infection and illness. So, that means lots of hand sanitizer, clean surfaces, and unfortunately, can't be around anyone who is sick or have been exposed to someone who is sick. My white blood cells will be reduced because of the chemo making it extremely difficult to fight off normal sickness.

3. There are about 10 different side affects, none of which I want, but can assume I'll have several.

A couple of things need to be done before I can start chemo (getting my liver to function properly), then the long journey.


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Meeting With the Oncologist

First of all, I cannot express how positive and hopeful my parents felt after leaving Dr. Nibley’s Office this morning. My dad is in good hands for sure! 

The first person they met with was Audrey, my dads patient advocate. She takes care of the insurance and financial stuff and also the supportive services like classes. All the classes are free. She gave a schedule of these classes to my mom and dad so they can sign up for them if they want to. There is a fishing trip on the schedule as well! Cool!

Next they met with Dr. Nibley’s P.A., Melissa. She was very kind and after going over my dads medical records and health history, she answered some of their initial questions and then checked my dads incisions and such to make sure everything was healing well and also took a blood sample to check his bilirubin levels. She said my dads cancer was somewhere between stages 2 and 3. Definitely not 4! YAY! There was some new information that Melissa gave them, that probably doesn’t matter at this point, but it was that my dads gallbladder had cancer in it. But that doesn’t change anything… even if the gallbladder was the “primary” source of cancer, the treatment for gallbladder cancer and liver cancer is pretty much the same.

Proposed Treatment

When Dr. Nibley came into the room, he pulled out a sheet of paper and drew pictures while he explained things and then proposed his suggestions for a moderately-aggressive treatment plan.  He was very positive and upbeat and mentioned several times about what an advantage it was that my dad is so young ;) He totally expects my dads body to respond well to the treatment. However, before the chemo/radiation can begin, Dr. Nibley wants to make sure that the liver is functioning properly because the chemo drugs will be processed through the liver and it needs to be as healthy as possible. 

Because there is a risk that the large tumor could shift and squeezes off the bile duct again, he would still like a bile drain to be surgically installed. He plans to consult with Dr. Bladder, the radiologist/surgeon who “unsuccessfully” attempted this last week, to see what may be done to accomplish this successfully this time. Dr. Nibley was always very patient and compassionate and offered much hope!

As soon as possible, after my dads liver is functioning properly, he will be given a round of chemo therapy and radiation therapy. Dr. Nibley said that a round is basically 3 weeks of chemo/radiation and 1 week rest. After each round of treatment, my dads tumors will be measured to see if they are shrinking which is the main goal at this point.  

Note:  In case any of you are wondering… surgically removing the large tumor is not advisable because of its position near many vital organs.  (We asked if the tumors shrank enough could surgically removing them eventually be a possibility, and he didn’t completely discount that idea…) We also asked Dr. Nibley if a liver transplant could be an option but he said in the case of cancer it is not typically approved due to the fact that small cancerous cells can still be lurking within the body. Liver transplants for cancer patients has not been highly successful.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Update 1

Let's start from the beginning for those who are just tuning in.
On March 5th my dad went into surgery to have his gall bladder removed. While in the surgery the surgeon found a large mass on his liver. They sent a piece of the tumor to pathology for biopsy.


A week later we still had no answers, and the results of the tests were all incongruent. He had a CT scan done to find out if there were more tumors and where the primary source of the cancer cells were coming from. The scan didn't show any other tumors but that the large mass was in fact, cancerous. Now we just needed to know where it had come from.


Dr. Ayers, who is a Doctor at Intermountain Medical Center, classified Thom’s type of cancer as “Cholangiocarcinoma” also known as “Bile Duct Cancer”. One bile duct on Thom’s liver is blocked with cancerous tumors and is being identified at this time as the primary source of cancer which has metastasized and formed a larger tumor that sits against the liver and is responsible for squeezing off a second bile duct (healthy) causing Thom’s jaundice condition.  Here’s the miracle….During Saturday’s endoscopy/surgery the surgeon discovered that Thomas’ large tumor somehow had (miraculously) shifted its position which in turn freed the healthy bile duct from being pinched off.  Nothing but a miracle!  Thank you for your prayers!  (This explains why Thomas’ condition began to improve suddenly last Thursday.) 

During the surgery on Saturday, the surgeon wasn't able to insert the stent into the smaller bile duct because of the tumors getting in the way so the plan is now to begin chemotherapy and shrink the tumors which will allow insertion of the stent at another time.

Yesterday, Dr. Ayers released Thomas from the hospital with the instructions to eat non-greasy and non-oily foods which is funny because right after the doctor stepped out of the hospital room, the staff brought in a meal for Thom consisting of  Roast with plenty of mashed potatoes and gravy…Not exactly non-greasy foods…..hahaha.  Crazy.   Needless to say, Gina is very relieved to have checked Thom out of that hospital and they are home at this time.

Going forward….

Thomas has an appointment Tuesday, March 25th, with Dr. Nibley who was Chandy’s cancer doctor. She and Gary (Gina's brother) love him and his staff which is very comforting and encouraging. It is expected that plans will be made to begin chemo treatments very soon.

Please feel free to come visit Thom. We do not want anyone to feel that they are not invited to come visit and spend time with our family. We do ask that you please remember we are trying to focus on my dad and help him the best we can, as well as texts, phone calls, FB messages and emails. It is a bit overwhelming for us so we have decided to have Lisa and Jennifer be the advocate for extended family, friends and neighbors with questions in regards to my dad. We would really like to focus on my dad and this process.

We haven't had that much information ourselves, and we are not trying to exclude anyone else from the information we do have. We have decided this blog is the best for updates so please feel free to share with family and/or friends. We will update this blog with the latest as soon as we have it ourselves. We are hoping it will be a few times a week, if not daily and will not start until this Tuesday after meeting the oncologist.

We are so thankful for all of the love, support, prayers, dinners made, blessings, fasting, thoughts and words of encouragement and comfort. We are so blessed to know all of you.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

WordPress WP_Query Sorting On Meta Values

I recently needed to sort posts by values saved in a meta value field. The normal post object only has a reference to the meta values so I needed to figure out how to add a meta key, meta value, and direction to WP_Query. Here is what I did:

The meta key: event-details
The meta value: a:1:{i:0;a:7:{s:16:"event-start-date";s:10:"03-04-2014";s:14:"event-location";s:15:"Someplace, USA";s:10:"event-logo";s:4:"4301";s:10:"event-type";s:5:"Event";s:10:"event-link";s:36:"";s:10:"event-time";s:0:"";s:14:"event-end-date";s:10:"03-05-2014";}}

The value event-start-date is what I want to sort all the posts returned.

$query_args = array( 'post_type' => 'events',
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'order' => 'DESC',
'meta_key' => 'event-details',
'orderby' => 'meta_value event-start-date' );

$loop = new WP_Query( $query_args );

Now I have a post object that is sorted by the event-start-date. Took me a while to get the sorting right, but it works like a charm.

The Big "C" Has Invaded My Life

I'm fairly young, 46 as I write this, not in shape like my Marine days, but I can generally hold my own. But of all the things I thought would come my way this year health wise, the one thing that wasn't on my radar, even remotely, was cancer.

Saying cancer isn't as tough as I thought it would be. What's tougher are the emotions that come along with it. The what's next, the when's, the why's, the how longs, pissed my wife has to deal with this, pissed my kids have to deal with this, and grateful for all the love and support my family and friends have shown me.

I have a long road to walk. A lot of unknowns. A lot of time to think about my life, what I've done, and what I still want to do. I seriously don't know what this means for my life expectancy, but to tell you the truth, I'm more worried about fighting it, winning, and moving on. I could use your prayers, your thoughts, your good vibes, not just for me, but for my Family as well.

I like my blog, it's my personal space. Generally it's been about tech stuff, but now I will add this part of my life too.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Adding A WordPress Category To Imported Posts

One feature I've either missed over the years or doesn't exist, is the ability to add more meta data to imported posts. Here is the scenario:

New WordPress site
Importing old WordPress content into new site
Want to add a new category to all posts (or tag)
User custom template page to display new posts (category-foo.php)

So how do we solve this issue? Here is what I did. This may not be the best or optimum way, and as a disclaimer, unless you fully understand databases, sql syntax, and how WordPress ties posts and meta data, this may be a little more than you want to tackle (but I can help you of course!).

Here is is how I started. Wrote a quick PHP script to read the WordPress XML file from site one and display the GUID tag value on the screen. Since I don't know what the new post ID is after the fact, and the GUID is a field in both the XML and the database, I used that. Also, because I'm lazy at times, I included writing out the actual SQL code I'll use to build a SELECT statement.

Now that I have this code, I run the query in phpMyAdmin, and I get a result set full of Insert statements. I use the Export feature to CSV for Excel, and then open in my favorite code editor Coda. The Insert statements are important because it's how I'm going to manually add the category. This little query returns the post ID and the wp_terms ID.

But before we crate all this cool code, I had to do a little leg work. In order to make this work you need two things, the post ID and the term (category) ID. Armed with those two values, I can add records to wp_term_relationships. First I needed to create the new category called Blog. After creating that, I went into phpMyAdmin and looked in the wp_terms table, and found the ID of the category Blog. Noting the ID I added it to the concant() sql function used in creating the INSERT statements along with the post ID from wp_posts.

The output in the CSV file looks something like this: INSERT INTO wp_term_relationships VALUES (2082,838)

Once in Coda, I did a string replace of the closing paren ) with ,0); so the INSERT statement closed correctly. The statment now looks like this: INSERT INTO wp_term_relationships VALUES (2082,838,0);

I copied all the lines in the CSV file, pasted them into the SQL window in phpMyAdmin, and clicked GO!

The result was 341 record updates with the new relationship of Blog. Go into the Admin and click on the Category link under posts, and to the right of Blog, I saw the correct number of entries. Click on the entries number gives you all the posts who have the category Blog. Voila!

This process seems convoluted and cumbersome, but it's not meant to be accomplished by everyone. What I did here was basically violate the code of conduct for WordPress developers by manually adding values to the database instead of letting the WordPress framework do it. My next assignment is to look for some type of method that would allow me to do this. What I really want is the ability to add additional meta data at the time I import. But that's for another day. And maybe someone has already figured this out, and I would love to see how that works.
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