Sunday, May 11, 2014

Posting via Dropbox

Testing a new WordPress plugin that's let's you write a post using markdown, save it in a Dropbox folder, and WordPress checks periodically to see if there is a new file to Post via Dropbox post.

Posting via Evernote

Testing Zapier posting to WordPress with Evernote.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Tumor Killing Juice

I'm not sure I will ever get used to this recipe.

Disclaimer: this really isn't a tumor killing juice, although the book we got the recipe from said it was a tumor killer. Tabasco sauce makes all the difference.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

More Juicing - Better

Two new smoothie and juices. Much better this time.

Out And Back Southern Utah

Gina and I had to pick up our Daughter from college today. We made a few detours along the way. It was nice to get out after a crappy previous few days.

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Friday, May 2, 2014

Avalanche Lose Game 7 To Wild

Wild vs. Avalanche Game 7 Results

30 Day Blogging Challenge: Day Two – 3 Fears I Have

First fear: being trapped in a box or something that is locked from the outside. I'm not claustrophobic, but I do get freaked out when I am trapped and can't work my way out.

Second fear: Insects, bugs, spiders, that might crawl on my body. Nothing freaks me our more that having an unknown bug crawling on my head or neck. I have been know to jump around a little when this happens.

Third fear: Losing my job. When you are a husband and father, putting food on the table, clothing, and shelter are always a worry, and having a job to pay for them is always top of my list. My fear is that I will be let go from a company and then never be able to get another job. Foolish notion, but it drives me to have more than one option.

These are generally my fears. Took me a while to really come up with these.

Find all 30 Day Blogging Challenge posts here.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

He Is Risen - Mormon Tabernacle Choir

Learn more at the Mormon Tabernacle Choir website.

30 Day Blogging Challenge: Day One - Twenty Random Facts About Myself

Twenty random facts about myself:

  1. I have cancer

  2. United States Marine

  3. I like to read magazines starting from the back (that's where the best stories)

  4. I was a DJ at a skating rink

  5. I've touched 5 continents

  6. I hate black licorice

  7. I always carry more gadgets than I need

  8. I love Jazz Music

  9. Long time Metallica fan

  10. I have three grandchildren (as of today)

  11. Huge science fiction and fantasy genre fan

  12. I can't stand the sight of blood

  13. I once installed a token ring network

  14. I ran to the hospital in a 3 piece suite, in the desert, in July, to see my second child born

  15. I've played in several orchestras

  16. I broke a tooth in my wife's mouth with a boom box

  17. I fall asleep in under a minute

  18. I don't need an alarm clock to wake me up

  19. I live in Utah and have never been snow skiing

  20. I like to wear geek t-shirts

This was fun.

Edge.js Brings Node.js and .Net Together

Great article from Scott Hanselman on Edge.js bringing Node.js and .Net together on three different platforms; Mac, Windows, Linux.

First Attempt At Juicing

Trying to make a juicing recipe, didn't go so well. Stoic picture before I actually try the juice.

[pe2-image src="" href="" caption="" type="image" alt="IMG_20140501_082642.jpg" ]

Chemotherapy One

I'm feeling well enough today to chat about my first chemo treatment. The overall report is it was like sitting in a chair with an IV in your arm, for five hours. Boring. My beautiful supportive wife spent the entire time with me (a must if you are sitting immobile for that amount of time.) And my daughter Ashley dropped in to say hi and take a quick photo.

The only real after effect for me was feeling very tired and run down. Doc said to expect that. Even today, the next day, I'm not feeling that bad, although I've had a headache since yesterday, not sure if it's related.

That's it for this report. Again, I appreciate all the love and support from everyone. Keep fighting.

#cancersucks #keepfighting
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