Sunday, September 12, 2004

I hope he doesn’t mind

Usually when I find a great link on the net and I post about it I give complete credit and a return link so the other site will get any traffic I can drive. But in the case of the Memorial post from Joel on Software, I decided that it was more important to me than just making a link. People change their weblog addresses, or their archives are removed or what ever. I didn't want to lose this. It's selfish I know, but extremely important.

I am pretty sure that Joel will not be changing his weblog any time soon, but I still wanted to play it safe. I'm not sure if he's the creator of the htm or he got it from somewhere else, but I appreciate the efforts and wanted to give full credit where I got the information.

Friday, September 10, 2004

9-11 Memorial

To those who lost their lives on 9/11/2001...

Thanks to Joel on Software for this.

Wednesday, September 8, 2004

Reviews for People, not Geeks

Reviews for People, not Geeks. This was a very intriguing headline. I never thought about it but its true. Most of the reviews, especially electronics, are done by geeks. They use the product totally different than the average person and are concerned about a whole different set of features.

Maybe that's why my wife and I clash sometimes when it comes to using and buying electronic gadgets. It was just recently that I was able to convince her how cool TiVo really was by showing her that she could record all the old black and white Perry Mason's and watch them when she wanted and not have to worry about missing an episode or having to be at home at the right time. She loved it. And from that day forward TiVo had value.

I also own several other "geek" gadgets; cell phones, PDA's, laptops and many others. I integrate them all into my daily routine. For her, these are just things she has to worry about and find extra space in her purse. I always look at it from my stand point, being the technical geek that I am and wonder why she doesn't care? And she looks at me and says "why" are you wasting money and time with those things.

It really would be interesting to see reviews of products by non-geek types or interviews of non-geek types using the products. I bet you get a whole different perspective.

Space capsule crashes into Utah desert

Read how a $260 million dollar NASA project fell to earth and impaled itself into the Utah desert, all while helicopters piloted by Hollywood stunt men waited to capture it in mid air. Problem? The parachutes that are supposed to slow it down (and what would have allowed the helicopters to snag it) never deployed. So it free fell at 190+ miles an hour out of space.

It sounded like something right out of a movie but in fact it was reality. I'm not sure if the helicopters could have caught this thing in mid air but it was a good thought.

Delta Airlines to layoff 10%

Salt Lake International Airport is a large hub for Delta but appears not to be effected by this announcement. According to KSL News it could actually boost the number of jobs in Salt Lake because Delta is shutting down its Denver hub. However Delta did say that this doesn't mean they wouldn't still file for bankruptcy protection.
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