Thursday, February 16, 2006

It’s my type of poem

I tried writing a poem a while back. It was for a contest. I didn't win, but it was fun thinking I might.

I had a wonderful young woman critique this piece, and I will share with you later what she said. for now, here it is:
I'm always amazed at this time of year, nature, slowing down, sleeping

Color dictates the mood then falls to the wayside in an ever eternal cycle

Breath seems to take form and float away

The flowers are gone and the leaves fallen the birds are on a southern path

It's only a short time, a pause if you will before a soft winter coat slowly falls and covers the ground

There, now, this type of poem was supposed to be about free form thinking. It wasn't supposed to be a traditional rhyming poem. I like this type. It lets the writer express in words what they are thinking and not trying so hard to find similar words.

Tuesday, February 7, 2006

I can see, really, it worked

I recently had Lasik eye surgery. I think they can call it surgery because an incision is made in the eye. No stiches, but they do make a cut and fold it back.

I've worn glasses pretty much my whole life. They get in the way of course. Well, now I don't have to wear them any more.

Amazing what the results have been. Within 24 hours I was seeing at 20/15.

How do you PDA?

I've been trying to refine a process in which I can manage my personal life and my work life. Some time ago I purchased and read David Allen's book Getting Things Done, as I'm sure hundreds of thousands have. I don't follow it to the letter, because as with most things, I like to tinker, and well, nothing is one size fits all.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Looks like I won an award!

I think this is the first award I've received. Uh, yes, I think it is. Thanks RSS Pundit for bestowing this wonderful award on my post.

Please take a moment to visit the RSS Pundit site and read about all the winners here.

I think this is a very import award and I will be proud to display the logo.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

It happened just like I predicted it would

I have been feverishly working on systems that will allow me to be more mobile in my real estate business. I know, I could hire an assistant, but when a client calls and wants to talk about a specific paragraph in a contract and you don't have access to it, you're going to be in trouble. Take for example my day today:

Mind you it's two days before Christmas and I have never, ever, had this much business even the week before Christmas. But, I was trying to get one client into a home today and negotiate a purchase contract for another. My problem? The FAX. Yes, the FAX. Why? Because I needed to pass copies of signed documents from one client to the next. The problem isn't with FAX documents themselves, it's the total archaic technology used to create them. After one or two passes through a fax machine the quality is degraded to a point you can't read anything.

What I really want, no, what I really need, is an application that would allow me to store an encrypted signature of my clients, or anyone’s clients, post a document on a website for them to sign, they log in, open the document, attach the digital signature, and viola, a signed document that is still completely readable. Now, I as a Realtor can log into this same application via my mobile phone, PDA or computer, locate the documents and send them to the next person via email, fax or printer.

HINT: Print or save all your client documents to PDF format, buy a large SD or CF card, or a large USB Thumb Drive, create folders for each client and store their documents on one of these devices. Why? Quick access to them at almost any PC or PDA.

HINT: Use a service like uReach to mange all your fax documents. You can get to them via the phone or web. I do as described above and create folders for each of my clients and store their documents online. Then I can email or fax right from my PC and I don't need to stand a fax machine.

So, how does all this apply to Real Estate 2.0? This industry generates so much paper we are literally swimming in it. We need to come up with a way to reduce the killing of trees and reducing the amount of time it takes to complete a transaction. We have the technology, now we just need to apply it in the right places.
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