I tried writing a poem a while back. It was for a contest. I didn't win, but it was fun thinking I might.
I had a wonderful young woman critique this piece, and I will share with you later what she said. for now, here it is:
There, now, this type of poem was supposed to be about free form thinking. It wasn't supposed to be a traditional rhyming poem. I like this type. It lets the writer express in words what they are thinking and not trying so hard to find similar words.
I had a wonderful young woman critique this piece, and I will share with you later what she said. for now, here it is:
I'm always amazed at this time of year, nature, slowing down, sleeping
Color dictates the mood then falls to the wayside in an ever eternal cycle
Breath seems to take form and float away
The flowers are gone and the leaves fallen the birds are on a southern path
It's only a short time, a pause if you will before a soft winter coat slowly falls and covers the ground
There, now, this type of poem was supposed to be about free form thinking. It wasn't supposed to be a traditional rhyming poem. I like this type. It lets the writer express in words what they are thinking and not trying so hard to find similar words.