Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Windows Live Writer; bug in future date

I have been posting articles with future dates  for one of my other blogs using Windows Live Writer. I like doing this, because I set aside a block of time to write several articles at a time and then just set the date for some time in the future. Then I move on. It's a great feature in WordPress. However, Windows Live Writer doesn't play so well when it comes to future dates.

My example is I set a post this morning to be available on November 27th at 12 AM. When I looked at the post, I noticed the date was set to 1969. Ha, that won't work. So I tried it again, thinking maybe I fat figured something. But not so. Even though, in the Properties section of the editor, I set the date to something in the future, it always defaults to something in the distant past. Not good.

I look around today and couldn't find a fix or even mention of it. Oh well. Maybe I didn't look hard enough. The support forums are basically non-existent, so I'm not sure where to turn. I hope some time a developer for the product reads this and can help me out.


Friday, November 17, 2006

When you fail; admit it

There are a lot of really cool projects on the net. There are so many I can't even begin to describe them. I really like Flickr as I've mentioned here, here and here. So, when I saw this cool project a guy did taking a picture of himself for 365 straight days, I thought, "hey, I can do that." Hah! I was wrong.

It was good for a few weeks. I was very diligent. Then I had a problem. I got sick. So sick I couldn't even get out of bed for two days. So, technically, I failed exactly 18 days into the project. I tried making it up, I really did. But, it just was more than I could handle. How lame.

In the end, I failed. Miserably.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The End by Kerry Politzer

[audio:http://www.digitalthom.com/audio/Kerry Politzer - The End-.mp3]

This is my first post using the Audio Player plugin. I was getting ready to use Ken's song in a podcast but thought I would use it as my first post as well.

Kerry's song, The End, is a great slow easy jazz tune. At first, I didn't like what I heard, and usually, when I'm previewing songs for my podcast if a song doesn't catch my ear right away I move on. But for some reason I decided to wait it out on this one. And man was I glad.

I think you'll really enjoy this track. It's one of the better tracks I've come across in some time. Thanks Kerry.

Get the MP3 here.

Buy the record here.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Flickr and Real Estate Are A Great Pair

Yes, I'm the 50 millionth person to blog about flickr. But it won't be my last. I'm upgrading to a Pro account today. The way I see it is Flickr integrates with Wordpress, if I change web hosts, I can still have all my photos; the list just goes on.

I blogged about using Flickr and real estate here. It's been my most read post; by hundreds. I think it really is a huge way to use Flickr. There are several things you can now do with YouTube as well when it comes to real estate. Check out my first attempt at integrating a Wordpress blog as my main real estate site and Flickr. It's pretty slick. I'm starting to blog over at realtyblogging.com. Not sure what that will lead to but we'll see.

Try this... Flickr Explore. They are doing some really great things like:

  • A Year Ago Today [link] as of October 2005
  • The last 7 days [link]
  • Geo mapping of photos [link]; great for tagging a listing (Realtors)

Giving your all as a parent

I found this link to a story about Dick Hoyt. I've seen several news and documentary stories on the guy and his son, who is physically unable to take care of himself but seems to be very intelligent. If you're a prent, this guy puts us to shame. If we did a tenth of what this guy has done for his child imagine the relationships we would have with our children. Read the story then look at your own life.

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