Canon seems to be the leading camera among those who post pictures to; by a lot. Canon has 3 of the top 5 cameras. That's good for them. It's also interesting to me, someone who doesn't own a Canon or a Nikon, the other two cameras in the top 5. What am I missing. I need to know more.
I took a few minutes to read through Darren Rowse site about Photography to see if what he had to say about these cameras. As usual there was more than enough for me to read.
Here is the link to the Flickr story and a list of cameras that are in their most popular brands section. But when it comes to Point and Shoot cameras the Canon PowerShot takes the cake. No other camera comes close. The top 5 are all PowerShots. Interesting.
In summary, the top 5 most popular cameras on Flickr are Digital SLR's. Not one Point and Shoot.
DSLR: Canon, Nikon, Sony, Olympus, Kodak and Fujifilm.
The other stat Flickr shows is the use of camera phones. Sony Ericsson started way out in the lead but has basically been caught by Nokia. Camera phones are a little different than point and shoot or DSLR cameras. The quality isn't as good, usually, but you can take and post pictures to Flickr fast. I was in T-Mobile the other day looking for a replacement phone and I think every model they offered had some type of camera built in and had BlueTooth(tm) capabilities.
Point and Shoot: Canon.