Thursday, September 18, 2008

My Request For Government Bailout

News over the past few days has been all about money the US Government has been giving to ailing financial institutions in hopes of keeping them from collapsing. I'm not a financial expert, but I'm sure the layman can recognize what a sham this is.

So this morning I thought it was appropriate that I ask the US Government to give me a few Billion dollars to help bail me out. I'd even take less, say several hundred thousand. That would do it. Hey, it's my money too. All those tax dollars I've put in the coffers over the years. If my elected officials are going to squander it, I want my share back.

I got some great responses from Twitter friends. Here they are:

As you can see there are plenty of people who want their money back. Please give US our money back, don't waste it on these poor management schmucks who have been fleecing Americans for years now.

Wow I'm hardly ever political on this blog, but man that felt good. Sorry RacerX996, I edited your comment. Those reading this post can also find the original on my Twitter account for your reading pleasure, and to get the full affect.


Thanks Christopher Penn.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

In memory of lives lost on 9.11.2001

[caption id="attachment_834" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption="Remembering Lives Lost On 9-11-2001"]Remembering Lives Lost On 9-11-2001[/caption]

It's been seven years since the tragic events of September 11, 2001 took place. Over 3000 lives lost. And many more have been lost in the fight on terror since. Whether you're a support of the current actions in Iraq and Afghanistan, our duty as Americans is to remember the lives lost in New York and Pennsylvania. We should also remember our military men and woman who gave their lives fighting terrorism since that day.

In Memorium


Saturday, September 6, 2008

Worlds Largest Diet Coke Can


Worlds Largest Diet Coke Can, originally uploaded by digitalthom.

I took this picture at some road side gas station in Idaho. Couldn't pass it up. I think they must be the biggest soda cans in the world.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Baddest Bike In The World

Baddest Bike In The World, originally uploaded by digitalthom.

This is one monster machine, the Suzuki Hayabusa. Very cool. Crappy lighting, sorry, phone cam sucks.

- Taken at 12:46 PM on September 04, 2008 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

UTOSC 2008 Was A Smashing Success

The 2008 Utah Open Source Conference was a smashing success in my book. I want to thank Clint Savage, and everyone else involved in putting on the event. Everyone involved had a great attitude and did everything possible to make us feel comforatable. 

I wasn't able to get to the conference until later Friday afternoon, having missed many of the great keynotes on Thursday. I was able to sit in on Howard Taylors address on The Free Content Business Model. Howard is a great presenter no matter the topic. The next presentation was given by Joe Brockmeier on How to bootstrap a community.

On Friday night my wife and I attended the geek dinner for UTOSC guests at Tucanos Brazilian Grill, at the Gateway. Food and fun was had by all.

Saturday started early, 8AM, learning about Ubuntu LTS. Next up was Linux Multimedia. This was probably the best presentation I attended. Mainly because I am interested in creating a home media center. Brandon did an excellent job, despite having sever technical difficluties getting started.

I was able to have lunch (catered by Sugarhouse BBQ), with several friends who were attending the event. I made some great contacts, got some great schwag, and learned a lot. I can't until next year, it's sure to be even better.
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