Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Tumor Killing Juice

I'm not sure I will ever get used to this recipe.

Disclaimer: this really isn't a tumor killing juice, although the book we got the recipe from said it was a tumor killer. Tabasco sauce makes all the difference.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

More Juicing - Better

Two new smoothie and juices. Much better this time.

Out And Back Southern Utah

Gina and I had to pick up our Daughter from college today. We made a few detours along the way. It was nice to get out after a crappy previous few days.

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Friday, May 2, 2014

Avalanche Lose Game 7 To Wild

Wild vs. Avalanche Game 7 Results

30 Day Blogging Challenge: Day Two – 3 Fears I Have

First fear: being trapped in a box or something that is locked from the outside. I'm not claustrophobic, but I do get freaked out when I am trapped and can't work my way out.

Second fear: Insects, bugs, spiders, that might crawl on my body. Nothing freaks me our more that having an unknown bug crawling on my head or neck. I have been know to jump around a little when this happens.

Third fear: Losing my job. When you are a husband and father, putting food on the table, clothing, and shelter are always a worry, and having a job to pay for them is always top of my list. My fear is that I will be let go from a company and then never be able to get another job. Foolish notion, but it drives me to have more than one option.

These are generally my fears. Took me a while to really come up with these.

Find all 30 Day Blogging Challenge posts here.
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