I added a cool little badge to the right that links to the National Breast Cancer Awareness site. Please take a moment and visit the site to learn more about this disease.
Over the past several years I have lost several members of my family to cancer. It's a devastating disease. It affects more than the person who's sick. Recently a good friend of mine lost a brother to cancer. When I called to convey my condolences, I asked what I could do for him and his Family. His answer... make people aware of cancer, and do all you can to help find a cure. That's all I want. I don't want another family to go though what we have.
I agree. So, I am doing my part to try and help find a cure for something that is so devastating.
I also want to recognize that several of my Family members are stricken with Multiple Sclerosis. This is an equally debilitating and deadly disease.
Please consider donating to any charity that is dedicated to fighting and finding a cure for these deadly diseases.
Image from Sarah Ballard
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