1. Ductster PDA. So far this photo has been viewed 3053 times. I took this very crappy photo of a note holder made of duct tape. Taken with a Windows Mobile phone. Very popular during my Hipster and DIY Getting Things Done phase.
2. Worlds Largest Diet Coke Can. So far this photo has been viewed 1521 times. I took this photo on a vacation trip to Yellowstone. I honestly can’t remember where it was taken, but I do know it was a gas station off the highway somewhere in Idaho I think. I’m a big Diet Coke fan, and thought this was the coolest picture.
3. 38 Special – Special Forces. So far this photo has been viewed 1420 times. It’s really a snap of album art. I love album art. It’s mostly a dead practice. Most artists today paste their picture on the front and call it good. A lot of musicians drew and painted their own album covers. It has a personal connection to the music.
4. Stewart-Haas Racing Logo. So far this photo has been viewed 851 times. This was a screen shot of the new Tony Stewart NASCAR racing team logo. I’m a huge fan of Tony, and I thought this was a great logo. I hope I never get in trouble for posting it.
5. Just A Geek. So far this photo has been viewed 453 times. I’m a big Wil Wheaton fan. I took a pic of his book after I got it from Amazon. It was a great book, and you should get a copy. He has several other great books. Wish there would have been a spin off of his Star Trek character Wes Crusher.
One picture that I really like is the one I took with Brandon Sanderson. Brandon is a Fantasy author who lives in Utah. He is also the author asked to finish Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series. This photo was taken after I interviewed Brandon (along with Jeff Norris, for iscifi.tv) at Life, the Universe & Everything writers symposium at BYU.
There you go, just a random post about some photos I’ve taken. Please head over to my Flickr page and see the rest. Let me know what you think.