Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Google+ Blogging For The Past Month

This past month I took a challenge from +Mike Elgen to blog exclusively on. Turns out I was about as hit and miss with long form posts as I am here on I always post short form images, links and likes several times a day, that didn't change. Bottom line, I didn't blog any more or less.

On the subject of blogging and this site, a friend has gone through my blog and given me some pointers on SEO. I suck at SEO and he doesn't, so I'm listening to him. His suggestions included blogging more often, longer, and on topics that are consistent. I've always looked at my blog as a personal space, no ads, no real focus that you could count on day in and day out. As it turns out, that's what I'll use Google+ for, the stuff that is more off topic than what I write here.

What did I learn from this experiment besides my posting habits? I made a lot of new connections. One of the things I miss here on my blog are social connections. Sure, someone can comment, but it ends there. Unless I actively seek them out on other sites, like their blog or Twitter or Google+, I'm less likely to engage with them. That has always been a problem for me. Social sites at least let me say in contact with the people I want to interact with.

I've also learned that successful posts, posts that have value to the reader and the search engines aren't the quick and dirty posts. There has to be meat and substance, both of which I have neglected the more I involve myself with social networks like Twitter and Google+.

For what it's worth, thank you for reading, and I hope you come back often. If you still subscribe via RSS, the link is here. Check out the right sidebar for more places to follow me which I leave links to new posts on this site.

Image link: glenn-

Friday, May 3, 2013

I'm Using WordPress, Now What? Starter Edition

Here is the PDF of the presentation on GitHub.

The following is a list of plug-ins that we discussed during the presentation. All links are valid as of this post but not be in the future.

Web hosting with BlueHost (*affiliate link)
Editorial Calendar
Analytics - Clicky or Google
Cache - W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache
Backup - BackWPup or VaultPress
Social Sharing

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Discussions On Software Development Newsletter

While looking at several ways to improve the reach of my Blog, and to try my hand at some new marketing, I've added a newsletter subscription widget to the sidebar. It's powered by MailChimp, and the goal is send something out on development at least once a month. Subscribe, an help me build the list. Thanks.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

BuddyPress And The Missing Admin Bar: Solved!

BuddyPress - WordPress I’ve been working on a few BuddyPress projects lately, using custom themes. Actually, I’ve used a great new plug-in, BuddyPress Template Pack by Andy Peatling to help with custom themes. While this great plug-in got me down the road (it basically turns your existing theme into a BuddyPress compatible theme), there were a few things missing. I wanted to share one I solved, and how.

Once I installed the theme and started working on it, I noticed that there was white space at the top of all my pages, enough room for the BuddyPress admin bar. So I knew it had something to be missing code that wasn’t displaying the admin bar. A quick search on the BuddyPress forum site and I found the solution: Make sure the wp_footer() reference is in your template file.

My theme needed a reference to wp_footer(). There was a reference to get_footer(), but that doesn’t help the admin bar. Once I added the reference, the bar shows up as desired. I call this code snippet in the custom theme where the footer should appear.

function custom_footer() { ?>
<div id="custom_footer" class="accentBorders">Copyright &#169; 2010 All Rights Reserved.</div>

Find more BuddyPress goodness at

By the way, BuddyPress is a set of plug-ins that give your WordPress site the ability to create a community.


Friday, January 23, 2009

Is An RSS Feed Important Anymore?

Goolge has started transitioning users from Feedburner to its own brand of RSS delivery. After I completed the transition I reviewed the different RSS feeds that are being distributed through Feedburner, and I started to wonder if RSS feeds actually have any value individually.

My reason to question this is I have FriendFeed consuming all of my blogs RSS feeds, my Twitter Feed, my Flickr feed and many other. In essence I am posting all of my content in one location which doesn't require you to subscribe to my individual feeds, only one FriendFeed. So my question is, are RSS feeds becoming a means to display multiple streams of content in a single location, which can also provide a single RSS feed to consume if someone chooses too?

I know RSS has value, but I'm wondering if it has the same value today as it did a year ago. Are you subscribing to as many individual feeds as you have in the past or are you letting social networks help give you the streams you are most interested in?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Speaking At WordCamp Utah 2008

WordCamp Utah, September 27th, 2008I'm excited that WordCamp has been scheduled for Utah. I'm an avid WordPress fan, developer, hack, and bigot. OK, I love other software too, but I really do use WordPress for a lot of projects.

Joseph Scott of Automattic has worked really hard to get this WordCamp going, and I think there is a fantatic lineup of speakers. You will be rocked by Cameraon Moll, Ash Buckles, Alex King, Richard Miller, Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg, and myself. I'll be talking about using WordPress with podcasts, video and other media.

The event will take place September 27th, at the Novell Open Source Technology Center in Provo, UT. Registration is cheap, includes a t-shirt and lunch. It's on a Saturday so there shouldn't be an excuse for not coming.

If you want to learn more about WordPress, its future, and some of the really cool things that can be done with the tool, please come.

Friday, August 8, 2008

I Lived 080808

Yes, today is 08 08 08. The most significant thing happening today is the 2008 Summer Olympic Games (link is to English version), being held in Beijing, China. Without trying to make some political statement, I'm pretty surprised more athletes or countries didn't refuse to participate. Does that mean something?

A neighbor is getting married today. That will be kinda cool for them, having 080808 as their wedding date. It will definitely be the subject of discussion for years to come.

Today is a Friday, and yeah, I'm working. the weather in Salt Lake City, UT is very cloudy, and in places it's raining.

I purchased a single MP3 from Amazon this morning. It's Tracy Lawrence, Find Out Who Your Friends Are. The cost was $0.99. I heard the song on, and they make it easy to buy songs directly from iTunes or Amazon. I buy a lot of songs this way.

What are you doing on 080808?

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Could This Be A Hot Solution To My Flickr Post Problem?

flickr_wordpress_post_hack.jpgIf you're a Flickr user, and want to post photos to your blog, you know there is no way to add categories or tags to the post. There could be a plug-in solution, but I couldn't find it. Seriously, I looked for a long time. If there is one that does what I'm proposing, please let me know and I will update this post and back out what I've done.

This solution isn't for the faint of heart. And I'm not 100% sure how secure it is. But I know for a fact it works just like I want. Here is the scenario and my hack:

1. Create a new WordPress user for Flickr posts. Doesn't matter what you call it. Just make sure it has posting rights.
2. Add you blog, or modify and existing entry, in your Flickr account. How to do this is beyond the scope of my explanation.
3. Use the new WordPress user you created in step one in your Flickr blog settings.
4. Modify you xmlrpc.php file that sits in your WordPress root folder, with the below code. It would be in the same place as wp-config.php.

Here is where it gets a little hairy. Find the line which has this code snippet. Mine starts on line 1578, but yours may differ. It's in the function mw_newPost($args):

if (is_array($catnames)) {

foreach ($catnames as $cat) {

$post_category[] = get_cat_ID($cat);



Just above the code on line 1578, add this code snippet:

if ( $user_login == '*NEW_USER_NAME*' ) {

$catnames[] = '*CATEGORY*';

$tags_input[] = '*TAG1*';

$tags_input[] = '*TAG2*';


Save the file. Flickr gives you the ability to create a test post. I would recommend you do that before calling it good. Make SURE to remove any entries in the Settings/Writing/Update Services box before testing or your test post will show up in your RSS feed and anywhere else that you ping a new post.

Now, when you post from Flickr, using the correct WordPress user, you should have an entry in the category you choose, with the tags you want. You can add as many tags, or even categories as you like.

Again, there may be a more elegant solution that I haven't found, but for now this solves my problem. I suppose you could use this for any outside service that uses XMLRPC to post to your blog.

I'm also interested in hearing about potential security issues with this solution.

Photo courtesy of poolie.

Friday, August 1, 2008

One Hot August Day

hot_peppers.jpgIt's August 1st. We are in the dog days of summer. The time where you're just about fed up with hot weather, and ready for the fall cool down to happen. Not to mention you're ready for the kids to go back to school. Pools are your best friend, and you get up early just to go for a run

NaBloPoMo theme for August is HOT. So, I'll be writing post about things that are hot. And they won't necessarily be about the weather.

Play along if you would like, visit the web site here.

Photo by PieterMusterd


Thursday, April 3, 2008

WordCamp Coming To Utah

Joseph Scott mentioned to me at PodCampSLC that he was interested in having a WordCamp here in Utah. I thought it was a fantastic idea. So over the past few weeks we've talked about it and it looks like the event is going forward.

Because this is a community event, it's important that everyone get involved early. We only have a few months to put a great camp together. Please join us on April 10th at 6:30, Applebees in Draper, for a first draft WordCamp Utah meet-up. There's a lot to cover and we need as many people as possible to help out. Let us know you're coming on

Another thing we want is bloggers to present topics at WordCamp. There will be a spot on the WordCamp Utah site to register and sign up to present.

This is a great opportunity to meet other WordPress bloggers, learn more about the platform, network, and get some great ideas to succeed.

Monday, March 10, 2008

PodCampSLC Is Getting Close

PodCampSLC March 15th 2008 10-4We only have five days before PodCampSLC kicks off. The current schedule we have at the moment:

9-10 Come by and get your name tag, get a seat, and schedule your discussions
10-11 Kick off and Keynote by Michael Harper, Professor, Utah Valley University
11:15-12:15 Attend Session 1, join another discussion, or start your own
12:15-1:15 Lunch
1:30-2:30 Attend Session 2, join another discussion, or start your own
2:45-3:45 Attend Session 3, join another discussion, or start your own
4 Wrap up, comments and final thoughts

There will be a Podcasting Genius Bar -- Completely open access to recorders, cameras, software, and experts. Michael Harper, from UVSC/UVU, is driving this offering. Please contact Michael with suggestions or to volunteer -- harpermi AT uvsc DOT edu.

We need to be out of the building as soon as we can after the wrap up.

Bring your friends, business associates, anyone who is interested in sharing ideas or learning more about new media. Thanks, and we'll see you there.

Friday, December 14, 2007

I Might Be Down But Not Out

Heart Healthy It's been a few weeks since I've posted anything and it feels really weird because I had been on a roll publishing something everyday. But alas years of neglecting my body has caught up with me. No one can sustain themselves on all night binges and running non-stop for the twenty years. So I must slow down and smell the roses as it were.

Ironically my problems began about the same time Marc Orchant passed away (please visit the site for a donation link). I didn't know Marc personally but knew him him online. It was very sobering to know he wasn't much older than myself. This has been a personal wake up call. The past week or so I've tried to remove myself from stressful situations, reduce my work load and move a little slower. My doctor has put me on a good healthy routine and says my future is up to me.

I appreciate all the well wishes I've received, but I am doing fine. I may not be as vocal as I've been in the past but I'm still here.

I also wanted to apologize to those who have not been able to get to my site over the past week. Not sure what happened but I think I finally got it all ironed out yesterday. Feedburner also removed all of my RSS subscribers, just when I was trying to increase them. Anyway, if you can, please reconnect to my RSS feed, it should be working now.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

First Snow Of The Year

Salt Lake City and they surrounding areas received a welcome guest yesterday, snow. The first storm dropped some white stuff a few days earlier but it melted just as fast. But not this time. It snowed for at least 24 hours.

This is the good stuff. The stuff Utah is famous for; powder. I took a few more photos around the outside of my house. Take a look.


Friday, November 30, 2007

November Was A Big Writing Month

During the month of November I tried to tackle two writing projects at the same time. I knew I would be blogging so joining the National Blog Posting Month group would be pretty easy. The other project I was attempting was National Novel Writing Month. Arguably the most difficult task to complete in 30 days. So here's how I did:

I managed to write 40 blog posts in the month of November. Those 40 posts garnered 38 comments. Not quiet 1 per post but hey at least someone is reading what I write.

I managed to write 2893 words of my 50,000 word novel. I had reached about 9000 words when I realized the story was going no where and I needed to start over. I know, that was a stupid idea but the story was making no sense and it wouldn't have made a difference. I wanted something that you could read rather than just a bunch of words on paper. So while I didn't write a complete Novel I started one that I hope will end up in as a book one day.

I wrote a flash fiction story for a fellow writer to review. It needs a lot of work, in fact I will re-write the whole thing. Flash fiction is difficult to write. A complete story in under 1000 words. That doesn't give you much room for fluff. But I like what flash fiction teaches; to be concise and to the point. I did learned you can write very creative fiction in a small amount of words.

So in summary I had a pretty good writing month. My goal has been to increase the number of words I write both in blog posts and stories. I haven't even counted the number of words all of my blog posts have captured, but it's over 80,000, close enough for a Novel all by itself.

This month I'm focusing on these areas:

  • A few series I want to write on digital photography and Lifestreaming.

  • Social Media sites like Facebook and Ning. If you've never checked out Ning you need too. It's incredible. I love the layout and the community building. Ning has a strong platform and is pushing the new OpenSocial platform.

  • OpenSocial and Android (mobile API)

  • New Media posts that coincide with PodCampSLC.

So December ought to be fun. What are you doing this month?

Monday, November 26, 2007

Great Links From The Past Week

Here are some great links I came across from the previous week:

Surround Yourself With Winners

A good friend sends out a weekly email about improving sales skills. One of the reasons I like reading his advise are the questions he asks at the end. Most of the time they are interpersonal questions. But today, her wrote this:
Educating the world is not your job. Go find some smart people and do some business with them.

Several years ago a mentor told me this "If you want to be making a million dollars a year, why aren't you surrounding yourself with people who are?" The point I think he was trying to make, and the one my friend is trying to make, is surround yourself with smart people who are winners. We learn from example. That is how we learned to talk, to walk, eat, pretty much everything we do we learned from watching someone first.

Take inventory of where you are. Who you are associating with. Are these people helping you reach your goals? Can they? Are you helping those around you reach their goals? Can you?

My suggestion is to have a well rounded set of friends and associates. Make sure everyone is positive and supportive. Those who aren't need to be removed from your life. If you aren't positive or supportive, change your attitude, change your friends, change your path.
Describe the kind of person who makes your life better.

Friday, November 23, 2007

WordPress Plug-ins I Use And Why

My WordPress blog uses several plug-ins, and I thought I would share with you what they are and why I use them.

  • Akismet: Comment spam prevention. This is an essential plug-in for any blog.
  • All in One SEO Pack: This plug-in helps me build SEO friendly links.
  • Comment Referrers: This give me additional information when someone posts a comment. Its sent to me via the notification email and doesn't appear any where on the blog.
  • Comment Timeout: I use this to lock comments on posts so many days after I post them.
  • Counterize II: This is a great statistics plug-in. I'm using this because I'm trying to find a really statistics program for WordPress.
  • Dunstan-style Error Page: This plug-in allows me to create a custom 404 error page.
  • Easy Tube: This plug-in helps me embed YouTube videos in a post.
  • Enforce www. Preference: I like my blog URL to be When someone enters it basically prepends www to incoming URL.
  • Exec-PHP: This plug-in allows me to add PHP code top posts or widgets.
  • Executable PHP widget: This is a plug-in that lets me add PHP specific widgets to the sidebar.
  • Feed Locations: This plug-in allows me to change the default location of my RSS feed.
  • Fotobook: Small plug-in that allows me to integrate my Facebook Photos. It integrates right into my blog and works better than the Flickr photo albums I've tried.
  • Full Feed: This plug-in creates full posts in my RSS feed.
  • Gravatar: Some themes require this plug-in to allow users avatars show in comments.
  • iWPhone: This is a plug-in/theme specifically for the iPhone. I use this for all my iPhone readers.
  • Link Harvest: I'm testing this plug-in to see of it has any value to my readers. It basically takes all links referenced in posts and pages and creates a collapsible list.
  • Most Commented: This plug-in creates a small list of the most commented on posts.
  • Popularity Contest: This plug-in shows a popularity percentage on each post.
  • Recent Comments: This plug-in shows the last number of comments made.
  • Recent Posts: This plug-in shows me the last number of posts.
  • Related Entries: This plug-in displays 5 links that relate to the current post.
  • Secure and Accessible PHP Contact Form: This plug-in allows me to create a secure comments form.
  • Spam Karma 2: This plug-in eats spam for lunch.
  • SpotMilk: This plug-in changes how the administrative tool looks, like a skin, well, it is a skin.
  • Subscribe To Comments: This plug-in gives my readers the ability to subscribe to comments via email. I use this so readers can track comments on a post.
  • WordPress Heat Map: this plug-in creates a heat map collection of post tags.
  • WordPress Mobile: This plug-in makes my blog mobile accessible. I use this plug-in for all my PDA users.
  • WP-ShortStat: This is a statistics plug-in.
  • WP-UserOnline: This plug-in shows me who's online reader in real time.
  • WP-UserOnline Widget: This is the widget that actually shows who's online.
  • WPhone: This plug-in allows me to manage my blog from a mobile phone.
  • WP lightbox 2: This plug-in blows up images in a blog post making them easier to see.

That's it. Not too many but they really help me keep this blog running.

What do you use on your blog, WordPress or not?


Sunday, November 18, 2007

Great Links From The Past Week

Here are some great links I came across during this past week.

LifeHacker asks Does Google Make You An Efficient Time-Waster?

Russell Beattie posts Mobilized Bookmarks in

Jesse Stay write Auto-Follow Those that Follow you on Twitter opens up their API

Upcoming local events from Utah Tech Spotlight

Chris Brogan writes Elements of a Personal Brand (probably the best blog post you'll ever read)

Zenhabits writes Top 10 Resources and Inspirations for Decluttering Your Home


Friday, November 16, 2007

Announcing PodCampSLC - January 2008

PodCampSLC-PodCamp-Salt-Lake-City-Utah Hello everyone, well, you knew it was bound to happen. PodCamp has come to Salt Lake City, Utah. On Saturday January 26th, 2008, at the Salt Lake Main Library building, 210 East 400 South, we will hold the first PodCamp.

The web site address is You can confirm your registration at the site.

If you would be interested in helping with the organization of this event, please send an email to podcampslc AT

We still have a lot to do and need a lot of help. Please consider volunteering. We also need people to present, so if you're a new media guru or RockStar, please let us know what you can share.

There are also sponsorship opportunities. We would love to share those with you as well.

PodCamp isn't just about podcasting! If you're interested in blogging, social media, social networking, podcasting, video on the net, if you're a podsafe musician (or want to be), or just someone curious about new media, then please join us -- and bring a friend or colleague.

The event will be free of charge to the public but we would really appreciate advance registration so we know how many people will be attending.

We have also created a Facebook group where we will communicate a lot of the activities of the PodCamp. If your not a member of Facebook we encourage you to join. It's a great opportunity to connect with others who have the same interest as you.

Please blog about this event as often as possible. Spread the word. Invite your blog readers, your podcast listeners and your videocast watchers. We want everyone to attend, from beginners to pros.

There will be more information to follow.

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