Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Removing sharpie ink from white board

I inherited a dry erase board (white board) that someone had used permanent marker on. I really didn't want to spend money on a new board and it was the right size. It has sat leaning on my office wall for the past few weeks. I keep meaning to try and figure out a way to remove the marker. But I guess I'm too lazy. But today, I quickly put "remove permanent market white board" in google.com and the first entry, Mom's Budget, gave me the answer.

I thought, there is no way putting dry marker over the permanent marker would remove the ink. But low and behold It worked. It's not perfect and there is some residual that I suppose will never come off. But when I clean it with the special white board cleaning solution, I hope it will be almost good as new. So thanks Mom's Budget for helping me out today.

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Saturday, July 15, 2006

The Four Agreements

The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book) I just finished reading The Four Agreements. Very interesting book. Don Miguel Ruiz did a pretty good job with this book. It's a little too touchy feely for me, but it gets the point across.

When I tell you your web site is broken, it is

I've been involved with software development for many many years. I've done everything from writing code to testing products. I think I've learned what a really good interface is and how to make them better. So, when I stop by your web site and tell you that I think it's fantastic, has a lot of great content, plenty of reasons to come back, but clicking on the links to each menu header returns a 404 error, I'm telling you the truth. Don't come back and tell me that there couldn't be anything wrong, I was just using the web site this morning.

First, I don't take the time, every time, to let a webmaster know there is an issue with their site. But on occasion, I think its important enough that I send a quick note so the errors can be fixed and you quite looking like a bunch of morons who know nothing about web sites. Second, if someone is courteous enough to actually tell you you have a problem, don't make them feel stupid or tell them thier crazy; or ask if you can help them buy something?

Ha, I think not. You can't kick you customer in the balls then ask them to buy something from you.

Chris Prillo has a great post on Feedbacking. A process to help users and developers communicate easier. I love it. Great thought Chris.

The Treo 700p, it’s faast

About a month ago I purchased a Treo 650. I'm not a palm person, I actually like the Windows Mobile operating system much better, but my office mates use the Treo and I wanted to be able to communicate with them a little easier. I know I know, it shouldn't have made a difference, but it did.

After a few weeks with the 650 it started to act funny. Kept losing preference settings and I could never get connected to the network. I called customer support several times and they helped me enter some codes and got me running again. But the third time was it. I couldn't keep calling into customer support to get the issues resolved any more. So I asked for a new phone. Nope, can't have one. You must take it to a repair center first. So I did. The guy at the repair center said that he would have to replace something in the phone to fix my problem and that I would lose all my data. No problem I have a back up.

When I went back in to pick up the phone, I noticed that nothing had been reset. All my data was intact. So I asked the person who was helping me what was repaired, he said "I don't know. But that will be $50 please." Sprint, you have a munch of morons working for you. Great customer service. Too bad I don't have a choice of carriers because after this experience, you wouldn't be my choice any more.

In any event, I was fortunate to get a replacement phone. But instead of getting the 650, I got the 700p instead. Man, this phone rocks. It still has the same Palm OS, but the hardware is much nice. Better keyboard, and the internet connection is so much faster. I'm happy at the moment. No problems. I can my email at any time and I can listen to my favorite podcasts while on the go.

Sprint, you still suck. Palm, nice phone.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Post from my Treo

Seeing what a post looks like from the Treo 650.
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