Saturday, February 26, 2011

Discussions On Software Development Newsletter

While looking at several ways to improve the reach of my Blog, and to try my hand at some new marketing, I've added a newsletter subscription widget to the sidebar. It's powered by MailChimp, and the goal is send something out on development at least once a month. Subscribe, an help me build the list. Thanks.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Book Review: Be Our Guest

Sometimes small books carry big punches, and that's just what Be Our Guest: Perfecting the Art of Customer Service (Amazon affiliate link) does. The funny thing is, Disney doesn't do anything small. If you want to get an insiders view of how Disney makes the world a happy place, this is the book for you.

When ever I read a book about a global brand, I try and find some small nugget I can use or pass along. Here are three things I took away:
  • Employees are Cast Members
  • Customers are Guests
  • It's all about the Magic

The number one goal is for every Guest to have a magical time. First impressions make all the difference. An exceptional experience keeps guests coming back generation after generation.

Because employees are cast members, they are part of the experience. All the characters are accessible. A photo with Cinderella, Goofy or Micky lasts a life time, and is filled with a thousand memories. From everyone in the ticket booth, ride operators and characters are tasked with making everyones experience at a Disney property magical. There's no other outcome.

There's no mistaking that an over the top experience is the bottom line for Disney. They server millions of customers a year, so I consider them a leading expert in the field. You can't go wrong by giving your customers the same level of service.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mozy Changes Backup Plans and Pricing

Mozy sent me an email this morning, which I'm sure went out to all their customers, outlining new pricing plans. According to the email, MozyHome Unlimited has been discontinued, and they are moving to a tiered storage structure:

50GB of storage for $5.99 a month for one computer.
125GB of storage for for $9.99 a month for up to 3 computers.

Not having an unlimited plan will force some to rethink what they backup. Most will probably fall into the 50GB plan, but with hard drives reaching the terabyte range, full hard drive backups will cost considerably more.

Mozy competitor still has an unlimited plan which only costs $4.57 a month. I wonder if the move by Mozy will signal their competitors to follow suite, or keep plans and pricing the same.

Do you use Mozy? What has your experience been? I've used Mozy for a long time, and they have been 100% reliable. I've never had a problem backing up or restoring.

Update: Several people reminded me today that they have terabytes of data backed up on Mozy. After calculating the costs, yeah, it skyrocketed for sure. For example, if you have 1 Terabyte of data backed up on Mozy, your looking at something like $110 a month now up from basically $5.
  • 1TB of backed up date - 125GB of alloted backup space = 975GB of storage not covered under the high end plan
  • 975GB / 20GB = roughly 50 20GB block of storage that you must pay for each month
  • 50 20GB blocks * $2.00 a month = $100 per month
  • $9.99 monthly cost + $100 overage cost per month = $110
  • That looks like a +/- 95% increase in cost

My math could be wrong, and if it is, I apologize, love to have someone gently correct me.

I wonder how many others have that much data backed up on Mozy. At $5 for a terabyte, I wonder if they were losing money. I think businesses should make money. And if this is what it takes for Mozy to make money, then I'm all for it. I just know several people who are looking for cheaper solutions now.
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