Friday, March 4, 2011

Tumblr Search Killed The Migration

After posting a few things on Tumblr the past few days, I noticed the Tumblr search is broken. At least on my site. Judge for yourself. This is a show stopper for me.

I posted something on my Tumblr site on Seth Goden's new book Poke the Box (Amazon affiliate link). A few hours later, I wanted to see what a user would find if they searched for the word 'book'. I assumed my Pose the Box entry would be at the top of the list. Not so.




4 Hot Social Gaming Trends to Watch

Link to article.

More than 18,000 interactive gaming industry pros came to San Francisco for the Game Developers’ Conference this week, an annual event that draws programmers, artists, producers, game designers, audio professionals, business decision-makers and anyone else involved in the development of interactive games.

Book Review: Poke the Box

Stop whining. Stop making excuses. Stop worrying about failure. Stop stopping. In a nutshell, that's what I got out of Seth Godin's new book, Poke the Box. Seth is a great story teller. He's great at painting a picture you see yourself in, and then paints the alternative picture which he want's you to put yourself in. And this book is no different.

One of my favorite lines in this book is, "Who's the VP of go?". Organizations have people in all levels of decision making, but no one is tasked specifically to make things go. Not to monitor, or measure, or adjust, but to make things go.

Seth also talkes about companies still opting for conformity in it's work force, over people who will ask questions and take initiative. It's funny to think that organizations still think this way, seeing how we haven't been an industrial nation for several generations. Today, education is delivered the same way it was 50 years ago, yet current and future generations aren't learning the same was as we did 50 years ago.

There is a lot of room for improvement on all levels. I like the entrepreneurial view of fail fast and fail often, It's what helps us see how to make improvements. This is a great book, has lot's of messages, and hopefully get's you thinking about how to start things, consistently. It's only 96 pages long, and it's really cheap. I got the Kindle version to save a tree.

Poke the Box (Amazon affiliate link).

Developers: why you should build for Android tablets — Scobleizer

Link to story

Apple Announces iOS SDK 4.3 For Developers

Developers are getting iOS 4.3 a little early I guess, to make sure there apps run on the new OS. Fun times.

Get your apps ready for iOS 4.3 which features faster Safari mobile browsing performance with the Nitro JavaScript engine, iTunes Home Sharing, enhancements to AirPlay, and Personal Hotspot. Be sure to update your iPad apps so they take advantage of iPad 2 features including the powerful Apple A5 chip, built-in front and rear cameras, and gyroscope.

Cool feature of 4.3 - AirPlay: Stream video from your app to a widescreen TV using new Media Player APIs that support AirPlay video. You can also update your web content to support AirPlay.

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