Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Google+ Blogging For The Past Month

This past month I took a challenge from +Mike Elgen to blog exclusively on. Turns out I was about as hit and miss with long form posts as I am here on thomallen.com. I always post short form images, links and likes several times a day, that didn't change. Bottom line, I didn't blog any more or less.

On the subject of blogging and this site, a friend has gone through my blog and given me some pointers on SEO. I suck at SEO and he doesn't, so I'm listening to him. His suggestions included blogging more often, longer, and on topics that are consistent. I've always looked at my blog as a personal space, no ads, no real focus that you could count on day in and day out. As it turns out, that's what I'll use Google+ for, the stuff that is more off topic than what I write here.

What did I learn from this experiment besides my posting habits? I made a lot of new connections. One of the things I miss here on my blog are social connections. Sure, someone can comment, but it ends there. Unless I actively seek them out on other sites, like their blog or Twitter or Google+, I'm less likely to engage with them. That has always been a problem for me. Social sites at least let me say in contact with the people I want to interact with.

I've also learned that successful posts, posts that have value to the reader and the search engines aren't the quick and dirty posts. There has to be meat and substance, both of which I have neglected the more I involve myself with social networks like Twitter and Google+.

For what it's worth, thank you for reading, and I hope you come back often. If you still subscribe via RSS, the link is here. Check out the right sidebar for more places to follow me which I leave links to new posts on this site.

Image link: glenn-

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Review: Learning Java

Learning Java

This is a pretty decent book. I'm new to Java but have an extensive development background.

I appreciated the exercises and examples. The only thing I really struggled with was Eclipse. I haven't used Eclipse in the past and so there was a steep learning curve for me.

I think this is a great book to get a decent understanding of the basics of Java. I will need a different book as a guide as I dive deeper into Java.

* Disclaimer: I was provided a free copy of this book to review.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Review: Bootstrap


As more and more opensource frameworks hit the market, few if any contain documentation on their use. The Bootstrap framework has a great website dedicated to the features and simple use. Most throw code in github and call it a day. For some people, a little instructional help or code example and they will be off and running.

I recently completed Bootstrap written by Jake Spurlock. Full disclosure, I know Jake, but he didn't ask me to review this book. I'm interested in Bootstrap and was hoping to find a great reference. While I like web based reference material, the difficulty lies in needing to refer to the online documentation while you are learning or need help. Having a copy of this book in hand is worth the price of admission.

There's nothing earth shattering or mind altering here, but that is a strength I think. Jake walks you through the framework and gives some great examples and potential uses. I rate this book a 4 out of 5, mainly because 5's mean there is no room for improvement, and everyone should have to stretch. This book should be in your library for sure.


* Disclaimer: I was provided a free copy of this book to review.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Ouya Is Still In Beta Mode

Ouya Console Controller
After spending a week with my Kicstarter backed Ouya, I must say, it's still in beta mode. I'm keeping in mind it's a $99 console, but honestly, I didn't want to have to do that. I don't want to make excuses for the device just because it didn't set me back $400.

I let my Son-in-law who is a very avid gamer take it for spin this past weekend, and he wasn't impressed. His first surprise was how cheap-ish the controller felt. Compared to an Xbox controller, he has a point. Second, we tried to play a few games, but they wouldn't load, and we tried to download a few games, but the download speed was so slow that it took an hour to download one game. Again, not impressed.

I'm not calling this device a failure, far from it. I know that it will get better over time. But I certainly thought the software part of the system would be a lot more solid than it is.
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