Friday, November 21, 2014

New Metallica Song: Lords of Summer

I'm not sold on the St. Anger style Metallica has adopted, not sure if it's easier on aging bones, but its not like Metallica of old. Oh well, this is a new song, which isn't really new, but I just stumbled across it today.

Take a few minutes and watch.


Friday, June 20, 2014

Progress And Update On Cancer Fight

Hello everyone, I wanted to give an update on my cancer and treatment. Most importantly, I want to thank everyone for their support. I remain amazed and humbled, and despite the up and down nature of fighting cancer, leaning on my family and friends help me get through each day.

At the moment I'm finishing up my firth round of chemo, with an additional treatment next week. After that, we will do what is called a PET CT scan which looks throughout my body to see if the cancer has spread, and if the tumor has shrunk. Basically we want to see if the chemo treatments are working.

The next steps after the scan are two more rounds of intravenous chemo, then a long stint of direct tumor radiation therapy and oral chemo.

All of this is dependent on my blood. Chemo kills blood cells, and because of that the blood is unable to produce things like blood platelets. Several times during treatment I've had low white blood cells and low platelets, both of which prevent chemo treatment, and puts off my schedule.

We're fighting hard. My faith is strong, my attitude is still positive, and I'm dedicated to doing what ever it takes to stay on track and win this fight. Again I want to thank everyone for their continued support, thoughts and prayers. These gifts don't go unnoticed and touch me deeply.

And one final thought, if you wonder what I do all day, here is a small look. Most of the time I spend staying up to date with what's happening in the tech field, I want to stay fresh and sharp so when I go back to work I can give the same amount of help as I have in the past. I also spend time helping my family get to places they need to go, usually watching a grand child, which of course is a joy. I've also been doing some genealogy, and if I could get Scott Olsen to give me some direction, I'd be taking way more photos than I have been.

I also exercise when possible, read (my kindle is over flowing), and listen to music. I've burnt through Netflix and am always looking for more shows to watch. I've played Xbox thanks to my team supplying the best game on the planet, NASCAR, which I've gotten some good play time with.

Gina and I try to spend as much time together as possible. It's important for us to remain connected, true with each other, and supportive. Going through this isn't easy. I want to be able to share what is really going on with me, how I feel, every little pain and stress. And I also want to know what is going on with her, how she feels, and give her the support she needs as she faces this battle with me. She has been so supportive, my rock. My kids, my extended family, have all been there to support me. I love them all.

I also want to thank Bob, John and Clint for checking in on me nearly every day, and for coming over, it's nice to see your faces. If any of you want to come visit, just let me know, I'd love the company.

I guess all in all I just try to stay busy. Keep my mind sharp, brain educated, and soul nourished. Keep sending good thoughts my way, I can feel it, believe me.

Signing off for now.

Picture provided by James Wheeler

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Salt Lake City Utah FantasyCon 2014 Ticket Giveaway #2

Here we go again, more tickets to give away. These tickets are for Friday July 4th only. Even though this is the 4th of July, you know you can go to FantasyCon all day then find a place to watch the fireworks? There are several places downtown that will fireworks.

Also, another great reason to attend FantasyCon; meeting the cast from The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. Take a look at who will be attending, you will be amazed.

OK, so the rules for this ticket giveaway? You must

  • Comment on this post, be sure to include your email address so I can contact you.

  • Share this post on Twitter, Facebook or Google+.

  • When you leave a comment, add your Twitter, Facebook or Google+ profile link so I can see where you posted.

  • And if you want to rise above the crowd, post a photo on Instagram of you're favorite character from Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit. In the comments, tell us why, and link back to this post. I'll give anyone who does this preference when picking. Hey it's my contest.

I'll draw the lucky winners on Sunday June 22nd. You won't want to miss this. Good luck.

Did you also know with a ticket to FantasyCon, you can also get into WesterCon67, which in the Marriott City Creek Hotel. Yes you heard that right, you can get into WesterCon67 with your FantasyCon ticket. Two for the price of one. You'll be in con heaven for sure. But please, pace yourself.
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