Joseph Scott mentioned to me at
PodCampSLC that he was interested in having a
WordCamp here in Utah. I thought it was a fantastic idea. So over the past few weeks we've talked about it and it looks like the event is going forward.
Because this is a community event, it's important that everyone get involved early. We only have a few months to put a great camp together. Please join us on April 10th at 6:30,
Applebees in Draper, for a first draft
WordCamp Utah meet-up. There's a lot to cover and we need as many people as possible to help out. Let us know you're coming on
Another thing we want is bloggers to present topics at WordCamp. There will be a spot on the WordCamp Utah site to register and sign up to present.
This is a great opportunity to meet other WordPress bloggers, learn more about the platform, network, and get some great ideas to succeed.