Showing posts with label starttrek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label starttrek. Show all posts

Monday, September 22, 2008

Mountain-Con 4 Wrap Up

Mountain-Con 4 concluded this past weekend, and I was able to attend all three days. All in all I can say it was a pretty good con. Every convention like this has its pros and "cons", and for a fledgling, read forth year, science fiction fan convention, its doing pretty good.

The Davis Convention Center was a great place to have this convention. Mainly because its built for this type of event; big rooms, large hallways, big bathrooms, close to restaurants, and most importantly, free wireless internet. Inevitably there is down time between panels or presentations, and its always fun to jump on the Internet and see whats happening.

There were plenty of things to do. Plenty of things see. Plenty of people to meet. Saturday is usually the day most people attend in their costumes. You can always count on Storm Troopers and Darth Vaders. Not so many Star Trek costumes this year. Not sure why.

Brandon Sanderson was there, the author tapped to finish Robert Jordans last book in the Wheel of Time series. That must be a daunting and stressful task. While there are always plenty of celebrity guests, I get a kick out of meeting all the lesser know, or unknown, authors and attendees. I always add to my rolodex at conventions like these. Heck, that's how I met Jeff Norris of, and Paul Genesse, author of the Golden Cord.

I have to say a couple of things before I end. Basically wished for next year and beyond. I love to see the gaming room controlled better. Gamers had more space than anyone, and it was wasted. I would have like to see the dealers, more dealers, in the gamers room and move the gamers into the dealers room. Great opportunity missed to have rockin game demos, or significantly more dealers.

I would also ask to reconsider the cost of the Banquet. I would attend, but nothing is worth that kind of money except maybe my wife on a significant occasion. The event sounds fun but is out of reach for most people.

I would also hope your have secured guests for next year. You know as well as I do these people book way out. If your not first, you don't get prime guests, which draw more attendees.

Good job to everyone who volunteered. I know the amount of work that goes into putting on events. Sleep for a few days. Then get on next years event. Please.


Saturday, August 9, 2008

Hot New Star Trek MMOG On The Way

staretrek_game_screen_capture.jpgAccording to a article, Cryptic Studios Inc. has purchased the license rights to create the game. There had previously been an attempt to create a Star Trek themed game but it seemed to have ended in failure.

Personally, I'm stoked to see this happen. Even the basic premiss of starting as "the captain of a small Starfleet or Klingon Empire ship", and then have to work your way up the chain sounds very fun.

My one hope for the game is there isn't an ending. Space is endless, and so the game should be. Allow users to create their own planets, solar systems and galaxies. This includes species and technology. Being able to extend the game will mean a longer life. Let's hope this happens.

My biggest fear is that CBS sticks their big fat nose into the production somehow. They really don't know how to manage the franchise and seem to screw things up more than they help. So please, CBS, stay out. Let these guys do what they do best. And listen to the fans.

Photo from the article, and I originally saw the story on

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