"Shag Carpet" (mp3)
from "Downright Upright"
(Artistry Music Group, LLC)
Buy at Rhapsody
Mormon, Marine, Coder, Writer, Indie WordPress Wrangler, Mobile First, CIO, CTO, NASCAR, Fighting Cancer
So it's that time again. Utah Blogger Dinner. We always have a great time at the Blogger Dinner. Several of our regulars couldn't make it. Some are in CA at the Podcast and New Media Expo, and others are busy doing life stuff. That's what's great about this meet-up, come if you can and if not see you at the next one.
Today we had
If you are a Facebook user find some pics here, if not check them on Flickr.
Are you a Utah blogger and in the Salt Lake City area? Come out and meet other bloggers. Subscribe to my blog, I always share when the next meet-up will take place.
The pretty much monthly Blogger dinner for the Salt Lake City area is this Thursday, September 27th, at 6PM. Check out Ash Buckles site for all the details.
Why should you attend? Well, its a great way to meet other bloggers who you didn't know existed, or meet the ones you read in person. You don't have to be a techie or even be an extremely active blogger. Just come out and meet people. I did this a few months ago and have created some great friendships.
123 E. 12300 S.
Draper Utah
(801) 495-4460