Thursday, November 8, 2007

My Upcoming Blog Series

While I was writing the Build A Better Blog series I decided I would write a few more series. Here is what I have so far. None of these will be 31 days. Most will be 5 posts covering a topic I enjoy.

  • Beginners guide to using the Nikon D40
  • Jazz Music 101
  • NASCAR: A Fanology
  • LifeStreaming (look for this series to start on Monday November 12th)
  • FlickrCasting
  • Gadget Bags

Will you help me? Add to the list, right here in the comments or on your blog and link back. Will you start your own series?


Wednesday, November 7, 2007

My NaNoWriMo Week One

Today ends week one of my attempt to write a complete Novel in 30 days. I'm currently at about 1800 words, which roughly puts me 10,000 words behind schedule. I will be making up some time this weekend. I'm going to lock myself in a room until I have at least 10,000 words. I know it seems like a huge wall to scale at this point but I'm confident I can catch up.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Photowalking Salt Lake City v3 November 17th

Looks like this time we will be shooting historic downtown Provo on November 17th.
The third photowalk is scheduled for Saturday November 17th. We will be walking around the historic downtown district in Provo. Interesting sites include:

- Provo Tabernacle
- Utah County Courthouse
- Pioneer Park
- Countless sidewalk shops and such

What: Photowalk #3
When: Saturday November 17th. 4:00 - 6:00(ish) pm
Where: Downtown Provo. Meet at 560 W. Center Street.
Who: Anyone!

Please join the Flickr Group here if you are interested in getting connected with other photographers in the Salt Lake City area.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

5 Ways I Find Time To Create Media

Another question from Chris Brogan, and one I'm asked a lot, is how do I find time to Blog, Photowalk, Podcast and connect? It's a great question. The simple answer is I just make time. I have set myself up so I can blog or podcast from my laptop or my PDA, and I carry my camera where ever I go so I can capture pictures at events I'm at or when something happens around me. I've also trained my mind when I see something interesting I quickly decide if its something I can blog about. A lot of times I'm taking notes and capturing ideas that I want to blog about later.

Here are some things I do to find time to make media:

  1. Schedule it. Yes, schedule it. I look at my weekly schedule, decide where you can take 1 hour, 30 minutes, even 15 minutes, to create some type media, and block out that time.
  2. I have my blogging and new media tools with me where ever I go. My family thinks its funny that I take a backpack with me where ever I go. In my pack I typically have a laptop, one or more cameras, several Moleskin's, a voice recorder and my iPod. Of course the iPod doesn't let me create media but I can preview media with it.
  3. Each morning I look at my schedule and my blogging list so I know what to be looking for and thinking about during the day.
  4. I use a blogging client on my laptop. Specifically I use Windows Live Writer. This program, besides being free, allows me to post to several blogs, create drafts, manage external content such as photos, audio and video files. I can write on and offline when I have the time. This actually allows me to write in small blocks, which is sometimes all I have.
  5. Process photos, video or audio while you're on the bus, watching TV or waiting in the Doctors office. Use automated processes to upload pictures to Flickr, clean up audio files and compress video. You can even use services such as Jott, Utterz or Twittergram to podcast on the go. You get to record your thoughts on the go and have the services post to your blog. It's pretty fun. Give it a try.

There is one thing I have come to appreciate about creating media and blogging, I need to have my priorities straight. My family is very patient and allows me to spend time pursuing it, but you have to make time for them too. Want more time to be involved in the creation of new media, make sure all your other priorities are in line.

Seriously though, the reason I find time to do a lot of what I do is because I like to participate. I like connecting with others who have the same likes as I do. I like sharing through my blog, my photos and my tweets. You may find the time it takes to engage in all the social networking is more than you are willing to commit. I think that's perfectly acceptable. Do what you can. But most importantly have fun.

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