9-10 Come by and get your name tag, get a seat, and schedule your discussions
10-11 Kick off and Keynote by Michael Harper, Professor, Utah Valley University
11:15-12:15 Attend Session 1, join another discussion, or start your own
12:15-1:15 Lunch
1:30-2:30 Attend Session 2, join another discussion, or start your own
2:45-3:45 Attend Session 3, join another discussion, or start your own
4 Wrap up, comments and final thoughts
There will be a Podcasting Genius Bar -- Completely open access to recorders, cameras, software, and experts. Michael Harper, from UVSC/UVU, is driving this offering. Please contact Michael with suggestions or to volunteer -- harpermi AT uvsc DOT edu.
We need to be out of the building as soon as we can after the wrap up.
Bring your friends, business associates, anyone who is interested in sharing ideas or learning more about new media. Thanks, and we'll see you there.