I'm fairly young, 46 as I write this, not in shape like my Marine days, but I can generally hold my own. But of all the things I thought would come my way this year health wise, the one thing that wasn't on my radar, even remotely, was cancer.
Saying cancer isn't as tough as I thought it would be. What's tougher are the emotions that come along with it. The what's next, the when's, the why's, the how longs, pissed my wife has to deal with this, pissed my kids have to deal with this, and grateful for all the love and support my family and friends have shown me.
I have a long road to walk. A lot of unknowns. A lot of time to think about my life, what I've done, and what I still want to do. I seriously don't know what this means for my life expectancy, but to tell you the truth, I'm more worried about fighting it, winning, and moving on. I could use your prayers, your thoughts, your good vibes, not just for me, but for my Family as well.
I like my blog, it's my personal space. Generally it's been about tech stuff, but now I will add this part of my life too.
Saying cancer isn't as tough as I thought it would be. What's tougher are the emotions that come along with it. The what's next, the when's, the why's, the how longs, pissed my wife has to deal with this, pissed my kids have to deal with this, and grateful for all the love and support my family and friends have shown me.
I have a long road to walk. A lot of unknowns. A lot of time to think about my life, what I've done, and what I still want to do. I seriously don't know what this means for my life expectancy, but to tell you the truth, I'm more worried about fighting it, winning, and moving on. I could use your prayers, your thoughts, your good vibes, not just for me, but for my Family as well.
I like my blog, it's my personal space. Generally it's been about tech stuff, but now I will add this part of my life too.