Thursday, September 18, 2008

My Request For Government Bailout

News over the past few days has been all about money the US Government has been giving to ailing financial institutions in hopes of keeping them from collapsing. I'm not a financial expert, but I'm sure the layman can recognize what a sham this is.

So this morning I thought it was appropriate that I ask the US Government to give me a few Billion dollars to help bail me out. I'd even take less, say several hundred thousand. That would do it. Hey, it's my money too. All those tax dollars I've put in the coffers over the years. If my elected officials are going to squander it, I want my share back.

I got some great responses from Twitter friends. Here they are:

As you can see there are plenty of people who want their money back. Please give US our money back, don't waste it on these poor management schmucks who have been fleecing Americans for years now.

Wow I'm hardly ever political on this blog, but man that felt good. Sorry RacerX996, I edited your comment. Those reading this post can also find the original on my Twitter account for your reading pleasure, and to get the full affect.


Thanks Christopher Penn.

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  1. Here here. This is a total sham because every time the FED prints up money, it devalues my personal savings.

    It's time to let the free market work for America again.

  2. it's hard to object to the government's mass bailouts as similar debt-producing methods were put into action to bring the U.S. out of the Depression... our economy has been supported and driven by debt ever since

  3. Big business should not be allowed to become too large to fail. A business with that much influence is too big for a free market. It has access to wholesale market manipulation. And it has the privilege of depending on a government safety net if it fails.

    The recent economic crisis demonstrates that such businesses will now be rescued at taxpayer’s expense when they suddenly collapse. The CEO of AIG has even demonstrated on national TV that big business leaders expect tax funded rescues. And that diminishes a primary incentive for them to be efficient and prudent. It may even encourage their board members to strategically create a crisis requiring a government bailout rather than suffer losses over time on their own. These business leaders have developed an attitude of entitlement that should inspire corporate welfare reform.

    If businesses that are too big to fail are allowed to exist, then they should pay for their own government entitlement programs. This has been the arrangement for the lower classes. That is why social security tax rates in the United States become less for those who become wealthier. Wage earners should not be expected to pay for business welfare too. The influence these businesses have over markets should help them pay for their government programs. And to discourage corporate welfare fraud, those in charge of businesses that either purposely or by neglect cause the government to pay for their rescue should be punished for a kind of embezzlement.

    Bryant Arms

  4. Instead of just bailing out those fat cats, we should demand that they also help us mice. Just pay off the mortgages of people who shouldn't have been given the loans to begin with . That way the fools who were duped into making deals with loan sharks would get a bailout along with the loansharks. Why should the ones who knew better be bailed out while the ignorant but innocent fools be left to loose their homes? By paying off the mortgages of those losers we get to bail out the rich and the poor. As it is now, only the rich get the bailout while wage earners pay for it.

  5. Back when the first Dot Bomb hit, I don't remember the government coming in and helping me with my home loan. Mike and I had to sell our house to survive and we are still working out way out of that tech depression.

    I'm not looking forward to the next one...

  6. @Laura, I hear you. I see many people struggling to keep their house, and it isn't all because they bought more house than they could afford.

    The ironic part is what ever help the media has reporting as being available for those in trouble doesn't really exist. Mortgage companies just aren't lending.

    I'm glad my 401(k) has been in a market account and not in stocks. I might have really lost everything. Maybe not, but I know it wouldn't be pretty.

    I'm not a financial advisor or economic expert, I just know, from what I am feeling, at the pump, grocery store, and every day items, things cost more and my money isn't going as far as it used too.

    People really are hunkering down. A lot of people are pulling back from spending their discretionary money and putting it away.

  7. future bag ladyDecember 06, 2008


    I have not received an increase to my Lucent pension since 1996.
    Every business is increasing their rates, so how do I keep from sinking.
    Well, a Government bailout would sure help me to survive in my later years of life. After all,
    I worked 40 years and payed the Government taxes those 40 years. So how about giving some of imy money back. Not to the incompentant three stooges runing the AMERICAN Auto Industries.

  8. To whom it may concern, I am requesting a portion of the Federal Bailout Money on behalf of Myself and my family. We have paid our taxes, paid our house payment, bills and utilities on time and have cleaned our credit file by paying it off. Now that we have done our part, we still find ourselves struggling and would like to request $1,000,000.00, for our future life in the United States of America. It is becoming apparent that the Goverment helps those who dont help themselves, so we should be first for a payoff for the simple fact that we did pay our bills, taxes and never made a profit off of anyone. This is the only way to stableize our future.

  9. To whom it may concern, I am requesting a portion of the Federal Bailout Money on behalf of Myself and my family. We have paid our taxes, paid our house payment, bills and utilities on time and have cleaned our credit file by paying it off. Now that we have done our part, we still find ourselves struggling and would like to request $1,000,000.00, for our future life in the United States of America. It is becoming apparent that the Goverment helps those who dont help themselves, so we should be first for a payoff for the simple fact that we did pay our bills, taxes and never made a profit off of anyone. This is the only way to stableize our future.


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