Saturday, September 6, 2008

Worlds Largest Diet Coke Can


Worlds Largest Diet Coke Can, originally uploaded by digitalthom.

I took this picture at some road side gas station in Idaho. Couldn't pass it up. I think they must be the biggest soda cans in the world.
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  1. now I am really thirsty, but diet Pepsi's more my thing. Imagine the size of the ice machine! Great spot.

  2. o_ô Actually, the regular coke can isn't the largest in the world. My hometown Portage la Prairie has the largest in the world.

  3. Pretty amazing how even a picture of a painting of a coke can can make you thirsty! Now, *that* is the result of billions of dollars in marketing!

  4. Hey I know that you like these drinks too much . You are habitual to them, but please do not use them too much. As they are very harmful to your health. They directly effect your stomach and huge drinkers can also suffer from problems related to bones.


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