Sunday, November 2, 2008

Controlling Your Life With Nothing But Brain Power

I just watched a 60 Minutes segment discussing what I think is the most amazing use of computer technology I've ever seen. Neuroscientist have been able to capture electrons firing in the brain and allows a person to control electronic devices, such as computers, wheelchairs, and possibly robotic prosthetic. For me this is truly amazing.

One thing I thought was interesting, was the brain keeps firing electrons, whether the body can respond or not. It's like a gun; you can keep pulling the trigger even if the gun has no bullets. It fires, but does nothing. Just like the brain.

I told my wife if I'm ever in a position where I'm locked in my body, please have these people install this device in my head. Immediately.

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  1. So by the 23rd Century we should be able to give accident victims more than a blinking light-cool!

  2. How fast and how far the technology goes remains to be seen. It's still incredible what has already been achieved.


  3. This reminds me of a show I saw on the Discovery Channel (I think) a while back where they showed a blind woman's brain hooked up to a computer and a camera that let her see, albeit really fuzzily. Amazing.

  4. I think there are a lot of applications. If the right nerve or sensory location in the brain can be connected, you would think any number of issues could be resolved.

    I guess there is always the risk of building super humans with technology like this.

  5. Interesting post. I have stumbled this for my friends. Hope others find it as interesting as I did.

  6. Interesting post. I have stumbled this for my friends. Hope others find it as interesting as I did.


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