Friday, January 23, 2009

Is An RSS Feed Important Anymore?

Goolge has started transitioning users from Feedburner to its own brand of RSS delivery. After I completed the transition I reviewed the different RSS feeds that are being distributed through Feedburner, and I started to wonder if RSS feeds actually have any value individually.

My reason to question this is I have FriendFeed consuming all of my blogs RSS feeds, my Twitter Feed, my Flickr feed and many other. In essence I am posting all of my content in one location which doesn't require you to subscribe to my individual feeds, only one FriendFeed. So my question is, are RSS feeds becoming a means to display multiple streams of content in a single location, which can also provide a single RSS feed to consume if someone chooses too?

I know RSS has value, but I'm wondering if it has the same value today as it did a year ago. Are you subscribing to as many individual feeds as you have in the past or are you letting social networks help give you the streams you are most interested in?
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  1. Why does FriendFeed kill RSS?

  2. Friendfeed kills RSS

  3. "Is An RSS Feed Important Anymore?" - Yes
    "are you letting social networks help give you the streams you are most interested in?" - No

  4. Great thought, Thom. The progression of all these vectrors to get in touch with you is BECAUSE of the feeds though and, since I am on a social network regression binge, feeds are, in fact, becoming much more important again... in fact, that's how I read this post first :)

  5. I suppose you can't really say RSS feeds aren't important because they're what enables all of this Friendfeed stuff to happen.

    But at any rate, to answer your questions, I'm still using individual RSS feeds. I don't use Friendfeed and I'm not sure I really see the need for it - I like everything (blogs, twitter, Flickr) to stay in their own separate boxes myself. And I'm not that concerned if I only read one aspect of someone's output and miss out on all of the others.

  6. I can see that Mike. You consume what is interesting to you. Thanks for your thoughts.

  7. I suppose you can't really say RSS feeds aren't important because they're what enables all of this Friendfeed stuff to happen.

    But at any rate, to answer your questions, I'm still using individual RSS feeds. I don't use Friendfeed and I'm not sure I really see the need for it - I like everything (blogs, twitter, Flickr) to stay in their own separate boxes myself. And I'm not that concerned if I only read one aspect of someone's output and miss out on all of the others.

  8. I can see that Mike. You consume what is interesting to you. Thanks for your thoughts.


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