Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Can We Build Something Besides Social Software?

OK, I have to ask, have we, as a technology industry, boiled ourselves down to who can develop the most unique social network software? I mean, it's about all I see in the news anymore.

Even Salesforce, according to Robert Scoble, could go after a large part of the social sphere. Why would a company like Salesforce do that? Will that help me as a sales professional do a better job? As a business owner I would question that.

With quick wins, and superficial products, is anyone, any company, developing technology with substance?

Who's building killer educational software and getting recognized for it?

Who's building medical software to help us find cures and eliminate disease?

Who's building technology that helps us better design and implement green communities?

Who's building technology that helps us discover and tap into cheaper forms of energy?

Who's developing technology that will help us find more water sources and build better distribution systems?

With all the worlds resources, we are doing something more than building platforms to show ourselves off, right?
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  1. Hi Thom,

    Exceptional post. I also took 39:44 bit of time this morning to watch your "Thom Allen: 10 Widgets To Rock Your WordPress" via Thumbs ^^ for that engaging WordPress 2011 discussion + overview. As a songwriting-musician, I was pretty much spot on with your musical_references as well √

    Your tagline around "Software Craftsmanship" very much resonated me with as well. Enjoyed the cleanliness + calmness + content on your Blog.


    Jeff Arsenault (@JeffaCubed)
    Vancouver, Canada

  2. Thank you Jeff. I'm glad you liked the video (it's always weird watching yourself). I also appreciate you visiting the site. Hope you return once in a while.


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