Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Future Is What You Make It

I've spent days trying to come up with a title for this post. And this is what I came up with. The future really is what you make it.

This post is an update on where I am and what the future holds. In my lat post, I mentioned I was waiting for all the tests to come back (even a few after the last post update, two separate biopsies), and to discuss options. The tests came back. We had the discussions. The risks of surgery are just too great, and we decided that won't be an option. It was a difficult decision because it would have had the greatest chance of long term success. My liver just isn't healthy enough to sustain my life on what would be left.

After all is said and done, I'll be starting chemo and radiation treatment in the next few days. I have no idea what to expect (except the lost of the last few hair follicles I have left.) I'm going into this with the support of my family and friends. I'm still laughing (thank you John Middleton), getting out of the house a bit (spent some time at Comic Con, thanks Cody for the great picture), and spending time with my grandchildren, who I love dearly.

Here's to the next few months. I'll continue to update as usual, now that the waiting is over. Thank you for taking the time to read, leave encouragement, and just being there.
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  1. Thom AllenApril 22, 2014

    A family member sent me two links to a therapy called Radiofrequency Thermal Ablation that could be promising. I'll discuss with the doctor.



  2. You're a strong man with strong people behind you. You'll do great. Love you, brother.

  3. Randall EverettApril 23, 2014

    Hey Thom,

    Just wanted you to know we're thinking of you, praying for you and wishing you the best. Please let me know if there is anything at all we can do for you or the fam as you begin the process of beating this!

    I love you my friend!


  4. Great catching up with you today and geeking out--looking forward to many more such sessions in the future. Stay strong, and know that you're in our prayers...

  5. Thom AllenApril 23, 2014

    Thank you Randy, I really appreciate it. Love you and your Family.

  6. Thom AllenApril 23, 2014

    Thanks Jared, glad we had a chance to meet up today. I appreciate the thoughts and prayers.

  7. Thom AllenApril 23, 2014

    Rock on brother. I appreciate it.

  8. Aaron LoewerApril 24, 2014

    Many thoughts and prayers heading your direction, Thom.

  9. Thom AllenApril 28, 2014

    Thanks Aaron.


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