Showing posts with label Mango. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mango. Show all posts

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Could Microsoft Survive A Windows Phone 7 Failure

I've been reading all about the new Mango release of Windows Phone 7, and all the companies that are tied to the success of the product. Would you like to be one of the companies who have bet the ranch on a timely release of a Microsoft Operating System?

This isn't like other products Microsoft has failed gain market share with, and eventually cancelled, like the Zune. This to me is a make or break product line for Microsoft. The future is mobile. And if they are unable to keep up, they deserve to fail, and fast. There is no way Microsoft can say they didn't see this coming. As I've said in the past, they have an enormous developer base. They should have been tapping into that long ago. They should have an app store that rivals Apple's iTunes App Store.

If you're a Windows Phone 7 user, what are the missing pieces? Do you feel you have backed the right horse? Could Microsoft survive a Windows Phone 7 failure?
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