My Wife bless her heart is learning to play the piano. It's
wonderful. She plays on a piano that she inherited from her deceased Mother. We
have had that piano for almost 10 years. All three of my daughters have had
piano lessons but never really got into it. But my Wife is discovering a lot of
hobbies as she finds more time on her hands. This is funny because she really
doesn’t have that much extra time. But she's finding it.
I'm sitting here in the office while she is playing in the living room. It's beautiful.
It's mostly hunt and peck at the moment. But she is giving it her all. I can
tell that she is really trying to learn the music. Understand the notes. Get a
feel for the keyboard. I'm proud of her.
wonderful. She plays on a piano that she inherited from her deceased Mother. We
have had that piano for almost 10 years. All three of my daughters have had
piano lessons but never really got into it. But my Wife is discovering a lot of
hobbies as she finds more time on her hands. This is funny because she really
doesn’t have that much extra time. But she's finding it.
I'm sitting here in the office while she is playing in the living room. It's beautiful.
It's mostly hunt and peck at the moment. But she is giving it her all. I can
tell that she is really trying to learn the music. Understand the notes. Get a
feel for the keyboard. I'm proud of her.