Wednesday, September 13, 2006

If you stopped blogging, would anyone care?

I'm a big fan of, where Darrin starts a lot of group writing project (I participated in this one, and hopefully the next one), and it generates a lot activity. What does this have to do with my questions?

Well, what IF you turned your blog off? Would anyone really care? Do your posts move or excite people? Do you even know if you have avid readers?

Tell me about your blog and why the blogosphere is be better off because of you.

I'll start... no, I doubt anyone would really care. Why? Because for the longest time I have just posted what I would consider drivel. Stuff that is important to me but probably not to many others. Sure, I've had my share of good posts. Stories that generated some comments. But in the end, looking back over 3 years of blogging, I've seemed to miss the point. Because I never really had a point.

At one time I wanted to post about NASCAR each week. That lasted for about 3 races, then I stopped. I wanted to post about hockey, that lasted for about as many posts. Then it was music. I don't even think I posted anything on music. I really thought I could make headway posting about tech stuff, for the simple fact I'm a geektoid. But alas, there is so much noise in the space.

As I've learned from and many others, is a blog has to have a direction. It has to give the readers some value. Give them something to keep coming back.

So, again, if you stopped blogging, would anyone care?  


Monday, September 11, 2006

Remembering 9/11

Remembering those who gave, and lost, their life on September 11, 2001.

Saturday, September 9, 2006

I hate domain squatters

It makes no sense. It just doesn't. I don't care how convincing the story. Domain squatting is stupid, careless, stupid, (should be illegal), stupid, and should I say stupid?

Why would anyone want to spend all that money on domains which probably make them little if any money.

Many a good domain name sit hi-jacked by a bunch of morons.


Thursday, August 17, 2006

Google Office is a Reality

Yes, today I joined the ranks of millions and activated my Google Writely account. By doing so I now have my tri-fecta for an on line Office Suite.

1. GMail
2. Writley
3. Spreadsheets

I also use GCalendar (Google Calendar), and I hope that some time in the future there will be a direct sync to my Treo 700p.

Since I'm sure there are thousands of reviews of Writley on the net, I'll just tell you that there are three things that really jazz me over this product. One, it will read my Microsoft Word documents. Two it allows me to email my Writely account a Word document or other text to become a Writley document. Three its web based.

Go hereand sign up if you haven't already.

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Voice recording on a Treo

As I was driving around town this morning, I was fumbling trying to send myself reminder emails on my Palm Treo of things that were coming into my head. I know, trying to type on a Treo while driving, dumb; I thought the same thing. That's when it occurred to me; why don't you use the voice recorder instead as you keep telling others to do. Duh.

So I pressed the button on the side and started talking. Man, it's easier than sending email to yourself. I encourage you to stop sending email to yourself while driving. It can save a life.
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