Build A Better Blog Day 15
Today I want to talk about writing a series on your favorite subject. When I decided to write this series, it wasn't because Building A Better Blog was my favorite subject, it was because I wanted to share what I had learned over the past 5 years. I also wanted to learn more about building a better blog.
Writing a series on a subject is great practice. It requires you to think about your subject, plan the titles and content and deliver a quality series. Having a posting schedule and a list of ideas will help, but ultimately you want to write on something you know, understand and are passionate about.
Many of you who read my blog know I'm a huge NASCAR fan. I take a lot of crap for it, mostly from those who just don't understand the sport. It's probably the same as those who are fans of Soccer. I don't understand the rules of the sport let alone why you would want to watch a bunch of guys kick a ball back and forth for hours. OK, so there you go. Something that will invoke passion in someone.
The idea of writing a series should not be taken lightly. Today I'm writing this article very late and if it wasn't for a comment on one of my posts I would have probably forgotten. Sure, I could have written all 31 days in advance and just set the date to show up in the future. But I am trying to write a post everyday. that was one of my goals when I starting this series. Force myself to write everyday. What will your goals be in writing a series?
Your series might be small, something like 3 to 5 posts, or longer. I think Tom Peters has been writing the 100 Success Tips for the past several years. I've always wondered why he didn't just write them in consecutive days. If you know Tom Peters then you know why that wouldn't work. Besides it has given Tom time to think through each of the Success Tips. He may not have known when he started what each tip would be. That's the beauty of a series.
Readers of your blog should expect a few things when you start. For one they should expect to get information or knowledge about a subject they didn't have before. Don't just regurgitate what someone else has written. I have been finishing each of my Build A Better Blog posts with a link to the ProBlogger series which I got my original idea from. And while some of my tips or suggestions may be similar or the same, I have a different outlook and point of view. I don't write like Darren, the author of the ProBlogger series, so I give each day a different voice.
The next thing your readers should expect is an ending. Tidy it up. Create a wrap up post after your series is finished. Everyone wants closure. Honestly I stopped waiting for the next Tom Peters Success Tip because I didn't think he would eve finish them. I got bored and moved on. Don't be afraid to write other posts that aren't on the topic of your series, your readers may enjoy some off topic humor.
Finally, don't write more than one series at a time. Oh you're free to do what you want and maybe you've successfully done this, but my suggestion is to keep all of your focus on one series topic at a time. If you think of more series as you're writing your first one, add them to your list. There is plenty of time to put it all on paper. Good luck and really have fun.
Tell me about some of the series you've written.
ProBlogger's day fifteen post: Make Your Most Popular Posts Sticky