Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

Friday, January 9, 2015

Great Disney Star Wars Commercial

Oh you have to watch this video, a commercial worth watching. Show Your Disney Side - I Am Your Father


Sunday, April 27, 2014

A Family Photo

The Family

We don't always get together, but when we do...


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Christmas Carol With The Family

Sharing some photos I took at the Hale Centre Theatre watching A Christmas Carol.


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Timpanogos Cave Hike

This morning I hiked up to the opening of Timpanogos cave with Gina, Jess, Vickie and Larry. First time for me, and man did it kick my butt. I'll do it again, probably several more times. I really want to take more pictures. I was so exhausted I didn't really care. I did take a few though, below.

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Here is a link about the cave, the hike, and the area.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

It's My Wifes Birthday Today


I've never wished my wife a happy birthday on my blog before. So today I thought I would.

Happy birthday honey.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Modern Medicine Is Just Hot

Today's note will be fairly short. I just wanted to give a shout out to those in the medical profession. Tonight I watched an episode of Hopkins, a semi reality show about Doctors at John Hopkins Hospital. It's mind boggling what these Doctors are able to do. I have a Daughter who has been on the receiving end of their medical marvels.

No matter how much I bitch and moan about about the cost of medical care, I am glad that people are willing to get their hands dirty to save lives.


Picture courtesy of Gustty


Monday, April 28, 2008

Kudos To My Wife On A Triumphant Return

In May of 2006 my wife, Gina, entered her first triathlon. She worked really hard and successfully completed the event. The size and conditions at this triathlon weren't ideal for a first timer. But she finished and it was a life goal accomplished. She was hooked and was scheduled to compete in several more later in the year. However, just a few months later, my family was involved in an automobile accident and she sustained some serious injuries. One was a broken neck and the other was a torn up shoulder. All physical activity was put off until she could recover.

After two years of physical and mental recovery, Gina was ready to start training again. She signed up for the 4th Street Triathlon scheduled for April 26th 2008. She was very nervous, but had worked really hard to get back into the condition needed for a triathlon. I'm proud to announce she successfully completed the triathlon and did it faster than the last one she did.

I am so grateful that Gina was able to make a full recovery. Things could have been completely opposite of what they were. She is truly my hero, and an inspiration.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Daughters First Dance Comp This Year

dance-like-no-ones-watching Ash had her first dance competition this past weekend. Here are some pics and vids.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I Won A Book - For Parents Only

For Parents Only A while back I left a comment on the blog In Reba's World because she was giving away a book called For Parents Only. The title of the book is what peaked my interest seeing how my 4 teenage children keep me on my feet. I received the book in the mail today (thanks Reba!) and I will read it as quickly as possible and write up a review. In the mean time please stop by Reba's blog and get to know her a little bit.


Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

turkey Let us spend the day reflecting, with family and friends; laughing and eating together. I'm thankful for my health and family. I'm thankful for being able to live in a Country that allows me to do and be what I want.

However you spend your Thanksgiving day, please remember a few things:

  • Our Military friends, no matter where they are, keeping us safe and free
  • The less fortunate in our community
  • The less fortunate globally

I wish everyone the best.


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Benefit Dinner for Injured Utah Father

Hey all, there is a dinner tonight to benefit a friend of Ash Buckles who was paralyzed from the chest down in an auto accident a few weeks ago. This man is a Father of two and has one due in a few weeks. This is an extreme hardship on the family and his friends are trying to do what ever they can. Visit Ash's blog for more details on the dinner.

To take it one step further, if you can't make the dinner, please consider donating to the Family. There is a PayPal button on Ash's website that will let you donate what ever you feel you can. I've seen this community come together to support those in need. We need to do it now. Thanks for your support.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Exploits of a Mom

This is a great comic strip. Check it out.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Helping To Find A Cure For Multiple Sclerosis

I have a vested interest in finding a cure for Multiple Sclerosis. There are so many lives affected by MS, and most people you see who have MS you wouldn't be able to tell. It's a debilitating disease that eventually robs a person of all their motor skills. The National Multiple Sclerosis Society describes it this way:
MS is thought to be an autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system (CNS). The CNS consists of the brain, spinal cord, and the optic nerves. Surrounding and protecting the nerve fibers of the CNS is a fatty tissue called myelin, which helps nerve fibers conduct electrical impulses.

Several of my close Family members have MS. I would love to see a cure happen in my life time. It's important to continue researching what causes this disease. Who gets MS?
Approximately 400,000 Americans acknowledge having MS, and every week about 200 people are diagnosed. Worldwide, MS may affect 2.5 million individuals.

There are many ways you can get involved in helping the fight MS. The MS Society has a great list here., as part of their Birthday Bash, and a sponsor FreeMoneyFinanace.Com are giving away $1000 to the winners favorite charity. Mine would be the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. I would encourage you to donate as well.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Please support Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I encourage everyone who has a blog or web site to post some type of banner with a link to The Pink site.

I like to think beyond just breast cancer and honor everyone who is fighting the disease, or who has lost the battle. My Wife's Mother passed away nearly 12 years ago of cancer. It was a very sad time in our Family. Cancer is cruel not only to the person who has it but to their Family as well.

There is still a lot work to be accomplished in finding a cure for cancer. Please consider donating time or resources to the efforts.

Susan G. Komen for the Cure.


Thursday, September 13, 2007

Flags of Honor

The city of Sandy, Utah, put out flags around its city hall called the Utah Healing Field, in honor of the Americans who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. Each flag has the name of each person killed.

All of the pictures can be seen here.

News article here.


Friday, August 3, 2007

Props to my Peeps

This weeks props go out to the people living in my neighborhood, and another Twitter friend DayngrGirl.

Last week there were several severe rain storms that dropped and incredible amount of rain in a very short amount of time. One particular family living just a few streets away from me experienced flooding in their basement. They lost many possessions and spent several days trying to clean up the mess.

Our neighborhood instituted an emergency preparedness group for situations just like this. After a few phone calls this family had dozens of people coming to their aid; cleaning up water and mud, washing and drying clothes and brining meals for the family to eat. It was exciting to see the neighborhood spring to action and help any way they could.

DayngrGirl get a prop for her efforts in promoting a service connecting people with service men and woman via the Internet at a site called eMail Our Military. As quoted from the website

Thanks for visiting and taking the first step towards making a difference in the life of a military service member.

Our troops deserve our respect, encouragement and admiration for their tireless dedication to keeping us safe and secure. As they are separated from their loved ones at home, your participation in eMOM gives our troops the support and encouragement they need and deserve.

Please help keep the support, motivation and encouragement going to our troops by joining our effort.

Thank you DayngrGirl for all your efforts.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Giving Props To My Peeps

This weeks Props go out to my daughters who spent the last 4 days walking the Martin Handcart Co. pioneer trail. There is a lot more to the story and I am waiting for the full report which I will post as soon as I get it from them. Previous post about the trek.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My Daughters on Pioneer Trek

Girls with their Pioneer garb on Today I sent two of my Daughters off to a Pioneer Trek. As part of a hybred family they will push a wooden cart full of gear and walk along the same trail Moromon Pioneers did around 1856. Each girl has a camera so I hope they take a lot of pictures. I also hope they use their journals to record all that happens.
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