Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Create A Blog Posting Schedule

Build A Better Blog Day 14

This is a really fun tip. Since I've been blogging, almost 5 years, I've kept a schedule of the blog posts I want to write and when I'm going to post them. If you are a serious blogger who writes one or more times a day this is a pretty nifty idea. If you only blog occasionally, its still a nifty idea. A good posting schedule should keep you from running out of ideas.

Download my Blogging Schedule Spreadsheet

You may also want to create a list of ideas to blog about. If your blog is based on a theme, say Science Fiction, then you know exactly the type of posts you need to write. But after a while you might start running out of ideas. There are a couple of things you can do. I personally read RSS feeds for this. I also read news sites like MSNBC, CNN and several local news web sites for potential stories. You could also use Chris Brogans list of 100 blogging ideas. I incorporated his list into mine and will add to it as time goes on.

Blogging schedules are good if your in a pinch, and don't think just because you have a schedule you need to stick with it. Use it as a guide and blog about things that are happening. Don't just let something slip by if you should blog about it. A posting schedule can also put your mind at ease and reduce stress knowing you have thought your plan out

Good luck and I would love to see how you schedule your posts, or not.

ProBlogger's day fourteen post: Analyze Your Blog’s Competition
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  1. [...] you to think about your subject, plan the titles and content and deliver a quality series. Having a posting schedule and a list of ideas will help, but ultimately you want to write on something you know, understand [...]

  2. I love your spreadsheet idea. Very cool!


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