Tuesday, January 1, 2008

3 Words For 2008

This year I wasn't really wanting to create a huge "goal" list, instead I wanted to focus on some key words that will help me stay focused. One of the reasons I want to have a set of words is because they are easy to remember. A set of words is also easier to measure against than a large list.

Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with goals, people use them all the time and so have I in the past. But my first word, Simple, is why I want to use words instead. Here are my key words for 2008:

  • Simple - even as I'm writing this I keep thinking of all the new web sites I want to create. This is part of what caused me problems last year. Simple to me means not trying to keep up with everyone. I'll do what makes sense for me and what is easy. No need to create undo stress. It's just not worth the pain.
  • Write - this is the year I focus on writing, and start answering the question "What do you do?" with "I'm a writer!".
  • Enjoy - this is so important. I need to enjoy the things in my life, such as my family, my friends, my work and my hobbies. I also want to enjoy a healthy life style. I have lots of motivation to enjoy life.
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  1. Pretty sure you're going to have a great year, Thom. It's a real pleasure knowing you.

  2. Rob, thanks, I hope to have a good year too. And it's been a pleasure knowing you. Thanks for commenting.

  3. I was trying to think of three words I could use. It's not easy.."Sleep"- I don't get nearly enough of this, "family"- I want to spend more time with my family doing family things, "house"- I want to buy a house and never have to move again.


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