Thursday, January 3, 2008

Did You Own A VIC-20?

That's right, did you own a VIC-20 in 1981? Did you own a Commodore 64 in 1982? How about an Amiga? What other brands did you own in 1981 or 1982? I owned a VIC-20, a Commodore 64, an Amiga and a TI, and I want to know if you did too.

Here's the deal, I'm writing a book that includes stories about emerging technologies from the early 1980's. What I'm looking for are your personal stories. Who bought you your first VIC? Tell me about some of the programs you wrote. What did you and your friends do with computers? What peripherals did you have? How did owning that VIC or the Amiga influenced your current love, or hate, of technology?

There are several ways I would appreciate your responses:

1. Send me an email, vic [@], with your story, any length, and permission to use any or all of the content.
2. Write a blog post and comment here with a link. If you would like any or all of the post included in the book, please send me an email indicating so, with a link to the post.

Be sure to include your name, email address and web site URL, for proper acknowledgment in the book.

I really appreciate all your help.

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  1. I have 2 working Commodore 64's , modded floppy drives where you can change the device ID with a flip of a switch and 3rd part Indus GT drive that shows the track/sectors. Great run, even ran a BBS in the last 80s early 90s on it!

  2. Hello, Thom!

    Boy, oh boy. I have some stories to tell.
    I owned a Commodore 64.

    Is May 2 the deadline?

    I'd love to contribute to your book!



    P.S. Score one for BlogRush, two for a great headline :)

  3. Don't forget the Atari 400 and 800. Mike had both. His dad bought them to help them get his grandfather's biography down before he died. Now all that information is here:

    We still have them in the basement.

    Good times...


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