Monday, April 28, 2008

Kudos To My Wife On A Triumphant Return

In May of 2006 my wife, Gina, entered her first triathlon. She worked really hard and successfully completed the event. The size and conditions at this triathlon weren't ideal for a first timer. But she finished and it was a life goal accomplished. She was hooked and was scheduled to compete in several more later in the year. However, just a few months later, my family was involved in an automobile accident and she sustained some serious injuries. One was a broken neck and the other was a torn up shoulder. All physical activity was put off until she could recover.

After two years of physical and mental recovery, Gina was ready to start training again. She signed up for the 4th Street Triathlon scheduled for April 26th 2008. She was very nervous, but had worked really hard to get back into the condition needed for a triathlon. I'm proud to announce she successfully completed the triathlon and did it faster than the last one she did.

I am so grateful that Gina was able to make a full recovery. Things could have been completely opposite of what they were. She is truly my hero, and an inspiration.
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  1. Thom,

    What an inspiration! Please send congratulations to your wife! That's quite an accomplishment.


  2. Wow - that's great news. She's as tough as any leatherneck I know!

  3. @JesseStay thanks for the comment

    @Allan yeah, most of the time she's much tougher than I am. Thanks for the comment.

  4. Wow... good for her! Tell her congrats for me.

  5. I think that is so awesome. What a wonderful accomplishment.


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