Monday, October 6, 2008

Speaking At Wasatch Business Conference 2008

Quick note that I will be presenting at the Wasatch Business Conference on October 23rd. If you haven't heard of WABCON, please visit the website here. So what is WABCON:
WABCON stands for the Wasatch Business Conference, a day-long event designed to educate business owners and leaders. Experts in the fields of technology, marketing, management, and finance join together in offering 50-minute seminars developed specifically to make your business more successful. Held in October each year, WABCON allows you to select pre-designed tracks by topic or create an educational track that meets your own specific needs.

At this conference I'll be presenting on the topic of Understanding Web2.0. That is a pretty broad topic, and I'll be covering just a few of the common Web2.0 features.

If you want to attend I have some discount codes (I was only given 10, so first come first served) that will give you a substantial reduction in the conference price. Please send me a request through the contact form here.

See you at WABCON.
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  1. Thom.

    Very nice!!! Congrats on the success too.

  2. Hey Thom--I'm going to be in your WABCON Web 2.0 class. I do a bit of that stuff myself so if you want someone in the class to be able to back up what you're saying or help stimulate discussion I'd be happy to help.

    Let me know if there's anything I can do.


  3. Hey Jarom,

    I look forward to meeting you at WABCON. Thanks for the offer. I'd love to hear what you would share? Web2.0 is a broad topic. Obviously I can't cover everything. What I will cover is the importance of interacting with customers via your web and social networks. The first half will be the important things a web site needs, and the second half will be about engaging your customers where their eyes are.

    What are your thoughts? Things I should share? It would be great to have someone in the audience that can help spur some discussion, because I really want to interact with everyone there. Thanks for your help.

    By the way, I tried sending you an email but it bounced.

  4. You're too fast for me Thom.

    The imfbo web site is brand new and, right after I left the comment, I went and set the email up. It was apparently still pending when you sent me the email.

    It works now. :)

    As far as things you could share, take a look (if you haven't already) at and watch the little video there. I've found (the few times I've tried) that if I show that to someone and then simply ask "What were your thoughts and questions that popped up while you watched that?" then I find out exactly what information that person needs.

    So if you give a group of people an overview of what you could talk about, then ask what which of those things they want to talk about, then you can quickly address the topics that interest them.

    And of course if nobody can think of any questions (it happens) then you can start at the beginning of whatever prepared material you have.

  5. @Jarom

    Sorry about that, I just happen to be reading and posting when you commented :)

    I did listen to your latest video, and it gave me some additional ideas. I will definitely be asking what the audience wants to discuss.

    I think this should be a fun discussion.

  6. Absolutely--these are great topics to talk about (and put to use).


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