Sunday, September 5, 2010

WordPress 3.1 Has A Feature List

Last week the development team for WordPress came up with a list of features/bug fixes they want to include in 3.1. As with all software, the end result may differ from this list. Check it out here.

Two things I'm excited about, and really hope are implemented, is a new multi site Admin, and a configurable Dashboard. This is kind of interesting, because at WordCamp Utah 2010, Matt Mullenweg asked Adam Dunford, "if you had a magic wand, what would you change in WordPress?" His response was a cleaner, configurable dashboard. Spot on Adam.

Looks like the WP team is shooting for a mid December release, with a feature freeze in mid October. That's not too far off.

If you haven't already upgraded to WordPress 3, you should do it soon. This is a fantastic release, seems to be very stable, and the further you fall behind the more problems you will encounter.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Why iTunes Ping Will Suffer Like Google Wave

There are a few reason I think iTunes Ping will, in the long run, fail. I realize the service has only been available for a few days, but I can already see it has the same problem Google Wave had when it was released. It's not part of everyones workflow.

For one, you must have iTunes, not everyone uses iTunes. Until there is some type of web interface that allows you to connect with other, this will be a huge barrier. Two, iTunes must be running to even interact with your followers, share music taste, and invite others. Invitation? A service such as or allow me to share my music tastes with anyone, regardless of the platform they are on. And that's where Ping will fail. I could be wrong, and Apple could choose to make major changes to the service, making something usable and accessible by everyone.

I would love to see Amazon come up with something open and web based to compete. Amazon could compete on several fronts, music of course, but also books, games, movies, electronics. That maybe on the roadmap for Apple, but you have to hit some type of home run out of the gate, or you suffer like Wave has.

While I hate to be a nay sayer, I don't think the Apple engineers thought this through for a first rev. Does it seem like that is becoming a reoccurring theme from Cupertino?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Join Me For #devchat On Twitter

I started a Twitter chat called #devchat, all about the software development business. Right now the time is every Wednesday at 7PM MST. Everyone is welcome, but I'm hoping this will be a very technical discussion. A little background on Twitter Chats here.

Please follow the Twitter user @dev_chat, and use to follow #devchat. No need to register, but you can find more information here.

Please Tweet this, blog about it, post to Facebook, or any other resource you use to communicate with other devs. You can also follow me on Twitter by clicking the Twitter icon in the sidebar at the top.

See you on Wednesday, September 2nd, at 7PM MST.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Photos From WordCamp Utah 2010

The Will it blend? guy struggled to blend up a WordPress mug, but made short order of a USB drive.

I also had the best iPad and iPen, going old school.


Saturday, July 31, 2010

Timpanogos Cave Hike

This morning I hiked up to the opening of Timpanogos cave with Gina, Jess, Vickie and Larry. First time for me, and man did it kick my butt. I'll do it again, probably several more times. I really want to take more pictures. I was so exhausted I didn't really care. I did take a few though, below.

[gallery link="file" orderby="ID"]

Here is a link about the cave, the hike, and the area.
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