Tuesday, December 21, 2010

WordPress iPhone App Fail

I've tried, I've really tried, but using the WordPress client application on the iPhone just sucks. The last three posts I've created have all had problems. I fully understand it's a free product, and there are no guarantees, but I expect more from the WordPress folks. Here is the latest snafu.

I have hesitated to upload photos to my blog from third party clients because I feared what happened tonight, would happen. I took several photos of my Family attending a play, created a new post in my iPhone WordPress application, inserted media from my phone, and posted. Of course, the posting had issues, mainly, the HTML used to show the photos was hosed. Here is what was sent to WordPress:

And here is what it should have looked like:

So, the post that was sent out to my RSS feed now has 6 photos with incorrect formatting and links. Frustrating to say the least.

Before trying to post to my WordPress blog, I sent the same photo set to my Tumblr site, via email, with zero problems.

The final thing I thought would take place is the creation of a Gallery. If I had included say 20 or 30 images, it would have been nice to see a slide show or at least thumbnails for each image. Instead, the images were inserted, full size, and with a large amount of images,  the post would have been several hundred feet off the screen. Just doesn't seem like the whole posting media from the iPhone app is working right.
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  1. Filing bug reports like this would make the product better so that it doesn't continue to happen.

  2. [...] to post photos again after Joseph Scott pointed out I may have a broken PHP file on my server. I installed the plugin he built to resolve [...]

  3. Looks like your server might have a known to be broken combination of PHP and libxml - http://josephscott.org/code/wordpress/plugin-libxml2-fix/

  4. Guess that's the risk we take running our own site, not knowing when a PHP file is broken. Thanks for the link Joseph.

  5. I used the iPhone app to post to my Wordoress account. Today I had a huge post that took a huge amount of time to write and a lot of thought went into it. It only posted part of the first paragraph, then dropped off all of the rest. Very dissapointing. Painful, actually...


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