Showing posts with label Military. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Military. Show all posts

Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy Birthday To My Fellow Marines

Traditionally November 10th has been the date which Marines celebrate the official creation of their Corps.

For those of you who are currently serving in the Marine Corps, thank you, and happy birthday.

For those that have already served your country as a Marine, thank you too. And happy birthday.

Please remember to support our troops, no matter what branch, and no matter where they are serving. Educate yourself on the sacrifices these men and woman make on this countries behalf.

If you were in the Marines, tell us about it. Leave your website link.

I have a bunch of photos I'll be posting to flickr today of me when I was in the Corps., and a few pounds lighter. I'll update this post with the link.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Honoring American Veterans

flag I had the privilege of serving in the United States Marine Corps twenty something years ago. It was one of the best things I could have ever done. Countless thousands have served before and after me. But there is one common factor among all of us; our desire to keep America free. The reality of our time is the necessity of a strong defense. Whether it was you or someone you know, average Americans become extra ordinary by taking on the responsibility to defend the very freedom each of us enjoys.

We could get into a bunch of political debates about where our Country is, but that's not what today is all about. Honoring our Veterans is the moral and appropriate thing to do. If it were up to me all Veterans would get the day off with pay for the rest of their lives. It's important that we remember these people, where might we be without someone willing to put their life before yours?

Thank you, every vet, past and present, for your honorable service and sacrifice. Many are not with us and while it's heart breaking, we know that with out their actions we would not enjoy what we have today.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Happy Birthday United States Marine Corps

USMC Today the United States Marine Corps celebrates its 232 birthday. It all happened in Tun Tavern 1775, as you would imagine, recruits were given beer and a chance to server in the newly formed Corps of Marines. The Corps has come a long way, and today they are still the most feared fighting force on the planet. Once a marine always a Marine. You'll never hear someone say they are an ex-Marine, they are former Marines. They will always enjoy the brotherhood of past and current Marines.

When I enlisted in 1984 I really had no idea what I was getting myself into. the recruiter in my High School didn't even have to work hard to get me to enlist. I watched him for several weeks, and his demeanor, attitude and presence was enough for me to realize that was exactly what I wanted to be. I really had no plans for the future and it just seemed right. It has been a unique, humbling and honorable opportunity to have served as a United States Marine.

The Marine motto is Semper Fidelis, or Semper Fi for short, which is Latin for "Always Faithful". Faithful to God, Country and Corps. The Marines' hymn describes exactly what we do:
From the Halls of Montezuma,
To the Shores of Tripoli;
We fight our country's battles
In the air, on land, and sea;
First to fight for right and freedom
And to keep our honor clean;
We are proud to claim the title

Here is a link to the full song.

Here is a link and another link to the main Marine Corps home page.

Here is a link to a Marines' Prayer.

Here is a link to a great tribute from Thank you GoDaddy.

Please take time to wish your Marine a Happy Birthday.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Holodeck style technology close to reality

Back in the late 1970's I had a neighbor who worked for a software company that developed 3D aircraft simulators to train pilots. One weekend he took me and another friend into the lab to take a sneak peak at what they were doing. Being a complete geek I jumped at the chance to see real computers at work.

When we entered the lab I was in heaven. There were large cabinet sized computer in long rows. The light was dim and the illumination of LED's gave you the sense you were entering a Star Trek episode. You could hear and feel the hum these big machines made. Cables as thick as baseball bats protruded from the back of each cabinet like octopus tentacles.

Near one wall was a large collection of CRT's, or monitors, all connected displaying  a computer rendered mountain terrain. An aircraft style seat was facing the monitors. It was black, with a tall head rest. There was a keyboard attached to one arm and a joystick control on the other.

I could hardly stand myself. I was like a little kid getting an ice cream cone. I couldn't take my eyes off of all the screens. I wanted to know how they did that. What did they do. How can I play? My neighbor walked us over to the control center and said jump in. I assumed he meant me and I jumped in the chair. He could have meant the other kid with us but I didn't care. I wanted in and I wanted in now.

The seat was hard plastic. It wasn't very comfortable. I reached over and swung the keyboard around so it was in front of me. I quickly looked over at the neighbor, hoping I hadn't just stepped over the line. He had a big smile on his face and I knew I was ok. He spent the next 10 minutes explaining the controls, the keyboard and what we could expect to see.

It was the coolest experience I had as a kid. Flying a military helicopter in what was the biggest most expensive video game I had ever seen. There were lots of bugs, like being able to fly through the ground, and flying straight up crashed the software. But all in all it was just very cool to be there.

I knew right then I was destined to be a computer guy. I didn't care what I had to do. I wanted to do this more than anything. I pestered this neighbor often to take me back, and he did, one other time. It was all worth it.

Yesterday I ran across this article about holodeck technology being used to train Marines. When I was a Marine it was all hard real ground action. No computers to simulate the enemy. How I wish there would have been something like this when I was active. Imagine how much better our soldiers will perform being able to participate in multiple types of  engagements in various terrains.

As technology gets better, faster and smaller, the military will rely heavily on its use. Instant feedback, communications and decisions can and are being delivered to troops on the ground during operations. This will hopefully reduce risk and the loss of life. See, Star Trek was the best show ever invented. We have been chasing it's technology for years. Too bad we just didn't have Gene Roddenberry built it all for us while he was still alive.

How do you think this type of technology should be used in the future?


Monday, August 13, 2007

Creative and Exciting ways people are helping wounded soldiers

It seems that when the war in Iraq started there was a rush of bloggers all shouting support for those fighting in the war, I was and am one of them. Now it seems there is a rush to form some type of support group/system/company to help soldiers who are suffering from physical or mental disabilities. Let me name just a couple:

Homes for Our Troops
Hire A Hero

These are all great services. And I trust they are working with the soldiers in mind. Until I see anything to the contrary that's what I'll assume.

But lets not forget those still fighting a war. Whether you support or oppose the war makes no difference. These are the same men and woman who would at a drop of a hat stand in defense of our own borders. The people of the United States would demand that. And they United States Military would deliver. And not one peep of criticism would exist. Remember Iraq isn't the only place our Military personnel are stationed. As Jack Nicholson playing Col. Jessep in A Few Good Men says:
... I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post...

Friday, August 3, 2007

Props to my Peeps

This weeks props go out to the people living in my neighborhood, and another Twitter friend DayngrGirl.

Last week there were several severe rain storms that dropped and incredible amount of rain in a very short amount of time. One particular family living just a few streets away from me experienced flooding in their basement. They lost many possessions and spent several days trying to clean up the mess.

Our neighborhood instituted an emergency preparedness group for situations just like this. After a few phone calls this family had dozens of people coming to their aid; cleaning up water and mud, washing and drying clothes and brining meals for the family to eat. It was exciting to see the neighborhood spring to action and help any way they could.

DayngrGirl get a prop for her efforts in promoting a service connecting people with service men and woman via the Internet at a site called eMail Our Military. As quoted from the website

Thanks for visiting and taking the first step towards making a difference in the life of a military service member.

Our troops deserve our respect, encouragement and admiration for their tireless dedication to keeping us safe and secure. As they are separated from their loved ones at home, your participation in eMOM gives our troops the support and encouragement they need and deserve.

Please help keep the support, motivation and encouragement going to our troops by joining our effort.

Thank you DayngrGirl for all your efforts.
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