Showing posts with label Values. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Values. Show all posts

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Honoring American Veterans

flag I had the privilege of serving in the United States Marine Corps twenty something years ago. It was one of the best things I could have ever done. Countless thousands have served before and after me. But there is one common factor among all of us; our desire to keep America free. The reality of our time is the necessity of a strong defense. Whether it was you or someone you know, average Americans become extra ordinary by taking on the responsibility to defend the very freedom each of us enjoys.

We could get into a bunch of political debates about where our Country is, but that's not what today is all about. Honoring our Veterans is the moral and appropriate thing to do. If it were up to me all Veterans would get the day off with pay for the rest of their lives. It's important that we remember these people, where might we be without someone willing to put their life before yours?

Thank you, every vet, past and present, for your honorable service and sacrifice. Many are not with us and while it's heart breaking, we know that with out their actions we would not enjoy what we have today.

Friday, October 19, 2007

No GTD Tool Required

I read a blog by Patti this morning that has more more sense of the whole GTD (Getting Things Done) syndrome than many I have read. Patti seems to have gone down the same path I did after reading David Allen's famous book Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity. Being the geek I am, there had to be some type of technology to make it work. After spending more time than should have been spent, I came to the same conclusion Patti did: you don't need a software tool to implement GTD.

This is my GTD tool. A Molekine notebook. Could be any notebook. In the past it was 25 cent notepads from Wal-Mart. Those wore out too fast so I upgraded. The only real change I've made to my system in a long time. I know from past experience when I write something in my Moleskine its in a trusted spot and I keep the book with me where ever I go. Dumping what's in my head into the Moleskine has made my life very manageable. Geeks often try and over complicate things. This is supposed to be a simple solution. So keep it simple.

Friday, August 10, 2007

President James E. Faust Passes Away

The second counselor of the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints passed away today. The full story on President Faust and his legacy can be found on

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Giving Props To My Peeps

This weeks Props go out to my daughters who spent the last 4 days walking the Martin Handcart Co. pioneer trail. There is a lot more to the story and I am waiting for the full report which I will post as soon as I get it from them. Previous post about the trek.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My Daughters on Pioneer Trek

Girls with their Pioneer garb on Today I sent two of my Daughters off to a Pioneer Trek. As part of a hybred family they will push a wooden cart full of gear and walk along the same trail Moromon Pioneers did around 1856. Each girl has a camera so I hope they take a lot of pictures. I also hope they use their journals to record all that happens.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Giving Props To My Peeps

Janet Meiners just posted about giving sincere thanks to those who have helped you along the way. There are a few people I wanted to thank that have really helped me over the past few weeks.

Janet Meiners. She spent some time with me the other day helping me see some opportunities for moving my new business forward. Janet is an Internet Marketing coach and is very easy to talk with. While she really doesn't work with people like me, she didn't hesitate to at least give me her point of view. Thanks Janet. [website]

Ash Buckles. Thanks Ash. I sincerely mean that. Ash doesn't mess around. He knows what he wants. He works real hard. I watch what he does and how he applies himself. [website]

Jason Alba. Thanks Jason. You really need to get to know Jason. Jason helped me this week with setting some priorities for my new business. One of the things I appreciate about Jason is his simple no nonsense attitude. Always do the right thing. [website]

Chris Brogan. Thanks Chris. I'm not real sure yet why I feel such a connection with Chris, but I do. He also doesn't know me from Adam, although we have posted comments on each others blogs and we are Friends on Twitter. Chris gets it. Chris is the kind of guy that is always thinking about the next thing. He's like 5 moves ahead. I've told Chris before, he has my dream job. You may be wondering how Chris helped me. Well, Chris is always motivating; always asking questions; always moving forward. [website]

Jason Calacanis. Thanks Jason. I have been following Jason on Twitter for a while. Jason doesn't know me from Adam and thats too bad. I know he can't possible befriend everyone. I did managed to catch a segment on a satellite channel where Jason was giving his response to a couple guys trying to make a go of a new Internet Business. The one liner I took away from his segment was "If the CEO showed up late to an investor meeting, I'd fire the CEO". Something like that. It was great. I'm the kind of person that insists on being 15 minutes early. I'd rather wait to get started than show up late and have to make up an excuse. It shows a lot about a persons integrity and passion. [website]

Monday, April 16, 2007

What is your dream role?

Chris Brogan is someone I discovered through Twitter; he's a hoot. If you haven't signed up with Twitter yet, it's fast and easy, and I highly recommend it. On occasion Chris sends out little quips like this:
chrisbrogan If you changed jobs today, what would your dream role be? Are you working towards making that shift?

This is a really good one. It got me thinking if I'm doing that. If things changed today would they be what I wanted? Thanks for asking Chris. What are your comments? Are you willing to share?
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