Sunday, August 19, 2007

No secret Internet browsing with MyBlogLog widget

I really like the MyBlogLog widgets because it shows who's been visiting my blog (if you're a MyBlogLog member), and it also drives traffic from various websites that I've visited because my link shows up in the widget.

But today, I got to thinking, as I'm randomly visiting websites, I may not want everyone to know I've been there, for what ever reason. There are a couple of things you can do to prevent this.

Log out of MyBlogLog. The MyBlogLog widget can't track you if you logged out of the service. So, if you don't want to show up on someone's widget, make sure you have logged out.

Hide your avatar on the MyBlogLog widget. If you put your mouse over your avatar on the MyBlogLog widget a red X will show up. Clicking that X will hide the fact you've been there.

You may not care if your avatar shows up on a MyBlogLog widget, but for what ever reason you want to browse in stealth mode, remember there are some solutions.


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Giving props to my peeps

This weeks prop goes to my Daughter J. There are several things I really appreciate about her. One is her desire to be the best she can. She is into horse training, riding and competing. I've never seen someone with such dedication to her school work and her passion for horses.

She and I will be working on a new web site about her horses, competitions and friends. Stories, photos and videos. I think she'll have a blast, I know I will.

My other kids are great too. I don't want to leave them out. But this one is about J.


Monday, August 13, 2007

Creative and Exciting ways people are helping wounded soldiers

It seems that when the war in Iraq started there was a rush of bloggers all shouting support for those fighting in the war, I was and am one of them. Now it seems there is a rush to form some type of support group/system/company to help soldiers who are suffering from physical or mental disabilities. Let me name just a couple:

Homes for Our Troops
Hire A Hero

These are all great services. And I trust they are working with the soldiers in mind. Until I see anything to the contrary that's what I'll assume.

But lets not forget those still fighting a war. Whether you support or oppose the war makes no difference. These are the same men and woman who would at a drop of a hat stand in defense of our own borders. The people of the United States would demand that. And they United States Military would deliver. And not one peep of criticism would exist. Remember Iraq isn't the only place our Military personnel are stationed. As Jack Nicholson playing Col. Jessep in A Few Good Men says:
... I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post...

iPhoto ‘08 is a mess

I hope it's me and I need to learn a little more, but if I understand the rumblings around the net I'm not alone.

First, the program runs a hell of a lot faster than '06 did.

Second the interface is pretty nice.

Third I like the thought of tagging pictures to an event, which is a new feature.

But that is where it all falls apart. I have the preferences set NOT to import my pictures, but if you look in the iPhoto library package, there are hundreds of cached files, which in my opinion defeats the purpose of NOT importing.

There doesn't seem to be a way to NOT import your pictures into an event. Not every picture is part of an event. I have a lot more random pictures than I have groups. I want to just import my pictures into the Library and let me decide whats an event or an album or a group.

It's all messed up. I like the program but it needs a lot of work. I'll stick with Flickr Pro for the time being.

Friday, August 10, 2007

President James E. Faust Passes Away

The second counselor of the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints passed away today. The full story on President Faust and his legacy can be found on
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