Saturday, September 15, 2007

Giving Props to my Peeps

This weeks prop goes out to Laura Moncur over at Pick Me!

One of the really cool things about Laura is her easy going nature. She's accepting of everyone, and even takes a persons allergies to cats into consideration when they are at her home (um, me!).

Laura is an entrepreneur, running several businesses; Starling FitnessStarling Travel, custom crocheted covers for your portable devices, and the webs oldest quotations site, The Quotations Page.

Laura loves to try all kinds of new things as is evident here and here. She's also a fantastic writer. I love reading her online novel Merriton. And one more cool thing about Laura, I think she's has a thing for video games.

Please take some time to read Laura's web sites and watch some of her videos. You'll be glad you did.


Thursday, September 13, 2007

Flags of Honor

The city of Sandy, Utah, put out flags around its city hall called the Utah Healing Field, in honor of the Americans who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. Each flag has the name of each person killed.

All of the pictures can be seen here.

News article here.


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Get my Tumblr theme

I use Tumblr as my Lifestream tool of choice. I'm making my theme available for download. You'll have to load the text into the Custom theme area. You will also want to update the location of the images and maybe add your own menu options.

Let me know if there are any problems with this, and I would also like to know if you use it. Thanks.

With background image: download
Without background image: download
With white background: download - Cheap domain name registration, renewal and transfers - Free SSL Certificates - Web Hosting

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My blogging station

Darren Rowse asked his readers to send in their blogging stations after he revealed where he works. Actually, Darren's work space it quiet simple, and so are most of the other entries. That's what's cool about blogging, you can do it pretty much anywhere. I typically blog on my HP Notebook. Sometime I blog from my iMac, but only once in a while. I use my iMac for creating podcasts. Here is my blogging station entry. I'd really like to get something on my MDA that would let me blog, that would be nice.

My mobile blogging station

I've asked this before, show us your blogging setup.

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