I've been reading a lot of posts lately about tech predictions for this year. I even wrote about some technologies to watch. But trying to actually predict what is going to happen is like riding a bike with no seat, one bump and you're done. Predictions are pointless. And even more pointless, are the year end wrap ups to see how well you did. Who gives a crock.
previous posts, I thought I would be cool and make some predictions, call out some technologies, and get on the band wagon. But I was wrong. Instead of predicting what MIGHT happen, why not contribute and MAKE things happen. I'd love to see even a tenth of the people making predictions actually build something of value.
One thing I always try and do is see things through rose colored glasses. Why not? I don't think I'm being naive, no has ever been hurt by encouragement. Through all the blogging, tweeting, facbooking, youtubing and what ever else is going on, I want to see you actually do something.
Several months ago, I had the pleasure of meeting, and talking with
Josh Peters. Our discussion was around sharing our knowledge with other in the form of workshops. Guess what; Josh went out and
did it. He created the workshop he envisioned, and it was a success. He also wrote a book on the subject he's passionate about. He also has the coolest tattoo.
You might not know who
Jason Alba is (no, he's not related to Jessica, although he might want to be), but this man has been a real mentor to me. We haven't created any formal partnerships, or coaching agreements, but he's shown me how one man, with a passion, and a red hot poker coming towards you at mach ten, can accomplish. He's always questioning me. Asking me why I am doing something, and why am not doing something else. He's made his own path, and I like that about Jason.
I kind of got off track there a little. My point in sharing what Jason and Josh have done, is point out what happens when you actually do something. The only thing I can predict about the tech world is it's ability to be unpredictable. If you're only creating words, stop it. Create something real, it's a lot more challenging and believable.