Wednesday, July 4, 2007

America is still the greatest place on Earth

Flag that was flying in my front yard Despite all the problems people think the United States has, it's still the greatest place on the planet. I'm grateful to have been born in the United States. Proud to have served in the military defending the freedoms of the United States. Excited to be part of the future United States of America. I encourage everyone to look at what you can do to make this Country stronger. There are many things to do, including voting. It's your Country, help shape its future.

This Country relies on its Citizens to make things happen. The current generation must take control and build a strong future. You have the ability. There has never been a time in history where so many can be reached and real change made. Do it. Do it today.

Shout out to all my Military brothers, especially my United States Marine brother. Semper Fidelis. Ooh Rah!
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  1. Thom,

    A thought provoking call to action. Thank you for serving---I am not sure that people say that often enough. We tend to take so many things for granted in this country--even each other.

    Do you think we are raising our kids to be as patriotic as our parents raised us to be?


  2. Hmm, that is a great question. In some aspects yes. Everyone has an inherent love for their country. Most of that is learned from those around them, like learning to talk, or read. But are we instilling Patriotism? I don't think, at least not at the level my Parents and Grand Parents had.

    My Father was a Marine who fought in Vietnam. I grew up hearing stories of his unit, the love they had for their country and each other. When I was just out of High School I joined the Marines. I've taken every opportunity to show my children what Patriotism is. I'm always standing up when our Flag is displayed or paraded; when the National Anthem is played, or the Pledge of Allegiance is recited. I think all of these things show respect for what we have and for what was has been sacrificed over the the years.

    You see, our children will do what we do. If we are always criticizing the Government, the Military, never showing respect for the Flag or those who have served our Country, so will our Children. What I would rather people do is show their children how to facilitate change. How to get involved and become part of a solution rather than pointing fingers and complaining.

  3. Amen & a great big Semper Fi!


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