Friday, January 1, 2010

My 3 Words For 2010

I like Chris Brogan. I tend to agree with most of what he writes. I like that he's authentic, and tries new things. So this year, I want to try a few things that are new to me.

First are three words that will help guide my efforts for the coming year. My words are Write, Engage, and Streamline.

1. Write
I have said this the past few years, but I want to write more; more blog posts, more articles, more ebooks, and more fiction. I love to write. The act of writing is thrilling. I have hundreds of stories in my head (and in my stories to write file). My work tends to get in the way of writing. This year I want to write more. Here is what I want to write more about:

  • Science Fiction. I have a bunch of stories that I need to be written. I want to take one story and actually finish the entire thing.

  • I want to more about SaaS (Software as a Service). Services include backing up to an off site server. Running your corporate applications on an off site server that you lease or share. And I want to discover more services that improve mobile devices, like better streaming of you video and audio.

  • I want to write more about Podcasting. I know a lot of people think Podcasting is a washed up technology. And I've even doubted Podcasting in the past. But I would like to discover other ways of using digital media (audio and video) to improve education, improve sales and marketing, and service.

2. Engage
I want to engage with my family more. I want to spend more face to face time with them. Having older children gives us the opportunity to do things that we all enjoy. I'd love to travel with them more, even if it's weekend getaways.

I want to engage people about my business more. I will spend more time building a more visible brand through event sponsorship, speaking engagements, and writing books that relate to my business.

3. Streamline
This year I want to streamline my life more. When you run a small business, especially a tech business, you tend to become the jack of all trades. Meaning, I try and take on all sorts of projects. That was a goal last year, to try learn new skills, and take on more complex projects that required me to stretch.

This year however, I'm going to back off on that goal, and streamline. I'm going to focus more on the two or three things I know I best. I'm going to write more about those topics, and focus my business in those directions.

I also want to spend less time working. People in the technology field are on 24/7. If someone tells you otherwise they aren't very truthful. We all take on extra projects, moonlight for extra cash or improve skill set. I have yet to find a better way to improve a technical skill set without actually building stuff.

But I want to do less of that. I want to be able to turn it off. I want to lose weight. I've let my professional life distract me long enough. This is the year I want to change the way I live my life.

OK, so now I've written the New Years Post. It gives me some things to look at, and gives me some sort of measuring tool for the future. Love to hear your thoughts, encouragements, and ideas.

Sorry, the previous video was broken on YouTube. I had to upload a new version. Hope this works.
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  1. I like the three words. It's nice to be able to condense goals and plans into individual words like that.
    Here are a couple of thoughts for you:
    1. On writing, just do it! Make an appointment with yourself and honor it. I would love to read your science fiction story #1!
    2. On losing weight, set specific goals and make specific plans to accomplish them, but work your way along. It's not an all-or-nothing sport. You can take baby steps. For example, I'm cutting out sugar now (except on Fridays, cheat day). I don't know if that's completely possible because so many foods have hidden sugars these days, but I can cut out the obvious ones. You're welcome to join me in the insanity. Or maybe there's something else you could cut out or add? Broccoli twice a week? ;)
    I'll happily play cheerleader for either of these topics!

  2. I like the three words. It's nice to be able to condense goals and plans into individual words like that.
    Here are a couple of thoughts for you:
    1. On writing, just do it! Make an appointment with yourself and honor it. I would love to read your science fiction story #1!
    2. On losing weight, set specific goals and make specific plans to accomplish them, but work your way along. It's not an all-or-nothing sport. You can take baby steps. For example, I'm cutting out sugar now (except on Fridays, cheat day). I don't know if that's completely possible because so many foods have hidden sugars these days, but I can cut out the obvious ones. You're welcome to join me in the insanity. Or maybe there's something else you could cut out or add? Broccoli twice a week? ;)
    I'll happily play cheerleader for either of these topics!

  3. Lillian,

    Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it. I agree taking small steps is can help get me on the right track. I've tried the insane all out from the start. It has always failed me.

    On writing, I agree, making an appointment is the only thing I've never done. As you can see from this comment, it's 11PM. I should have written much earlier in the day.

    I'll keep you updated.

  4. Lillian,

    Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it. I agree taking small steps is can help get me on the right track. I've tried the insane all out from the start. It has always failed me.

    On writing, I agree, making an appointment is the only thing I've never done. As you can see from this comment, it's 11PM. I should have written much earlier in the day.

    I'll keep you updated.


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