Friday, April 20, 2007

Utah Tech Spotlight featuring MediaPort

Today's meet-up of the Utah Tech Spotlight featured local company MediaPort. Held on the upper floor of the Bohemian, drinks food and fun were had by all. The featured company MediaPort provides a kiosk based digital media delivery system. You can purchase and download your media to any mobile device or your purchase can be saved on a CD. According to the presenter, sorry I can't remember his name, MediaPorts digital media costs about 38% less than what you can buy at Wal-Mart. I assumed he meant less than physical disks. It's hard to get much less than $0.88 per track.

As with any digital media discussion DRM was a topic discussed. It seems the DRM is delayed; meaning you can download the media to your device and immediately start using it, but once you sync to a PC the DRM is written to the local disk. Unfortunately they don't support any Apple products. Not their fault of course, but does eliminate 100 million portable music devices. If they could work out a deal with Apple they would have an exploding business.

Some of the people I recall seeing at the meet-up were Jason Alba, Matthew Reinbold, Steve Spencer, a few more from Twelve Horses, several from Media Port, a guy from a company called, sounded interesting. I also met another young guy whose company is BlastHosting.

Here is a link to a few pics (sorry the quality sucks, next time I'm using the digital cam not the phone).

Thanks again to Steve Spencer of Twelve Horses for putting this together and the other sponsors, UTC and EO.
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  1. The presenter’s name: Jon Butler, President and founder or Mediaport.

    Our media delivery does not eliminated Apple devices. We have over 300 albums which are in mp3 format currently. The Ipod can take the mp3’s right from the kiosk. All of our million plus tracks can be download to a stick, card or to a CD and then loaded on an Ipod the way we all do it. If you have any other questions or know of any developers who need work please email me:

  2. Sorry Dave if I didn't explain the technology correctly. However, I do remember Jon mentioning the lack of support for Apple products, which is why I even mentioned, it's such a large market.

    So, how does the Kiosk and the iPod work? I wasn't aware that you could just drop MP3 files onto the device and then play? How does the Kiosk handle the different format of the iPod (MAC vs. Windows) or in the case where the iPod isn't using the disk format? Does the Kiosk have an iTunes type application built in? Thanks for clarifying.

  3. [...] mention at todays even, we’ve heard from several well known companies like Mozy, Control4 and MediaPort. Check out the website and then come to the next event. See you [...]


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