Showing posts with label Goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goals. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Trying And Failing Really Sucks

I've always been the type of person who wants to learn everything. I have spent a good portion of my life trying to stay ahead of whatever curve was in front of me for fear that I would be left behind. So in a mad dash to make sure I'm immersed in whatever will help me stay ahead (programming, mobile, fitness), I take on about 100% more than I can actually do. I know from past experience I will fail at some things, find I don't have time for others, or decide to change course. But all of this mean many things fail, and that really sucks.

I know failing is the new word for try. As Yoda says "do or do not, there is no try." I don't know anyone who likes failing. A couple of days ago I was having a discussion with someone who was trying to decide what type of decision maker I was. Would I be someone who would try a hundred things until I found the right answer, or would I take my time, think through a problem, look at multiple options, then make a decision. I know in their mind they liked the try and fail a hundred times option because it "looked" like effort was being made. But I'm the later. I can make quick decisions if I'm given enough information. And for the times when I have very little information, I might take longer to make a decision. There are few cases in this world where choosing to fail a hundred times at something to come up with a solution trumps thinking through a decision, either in your head or with a team.

So why am I bringing this up? Well, all of this start, stop, fail, succeed, has given me an opportunity to think of what's next. Martin Sheen's character President Bartlet in the TV series The West Wing used the phrase "what's next?" when he got the point and wanted to move on. I love that phrase. I've done the same things  for over 30 years, now I want to move on... what's next?

Here are a few things on my What's Next list:

  • I'm finally over managing web servers. I can't stand it any more, and I simply don't have the stomach to worry about all the possible issues that could go wrong. It's not part of my core focus. So I'll be transitioning all of my websites onto something that some company manages for me. I just want to write.

  • Speaking of writing, that's the next big part of my next... writing more. Expanding and broadening my knowledge of some technologies, exploring their long term values, and of course finally putting pen to paper (so to speak) on Old Coder Comics. I've had this idea for a while, and I really want to put some effort into that. I also want to finally finish the ten sci-fi and thriller stories I've started and stopped.

  • Fitness. It's never been part of my everyday fabric. But it needs to be.

  • Photography. This is simply a pleasurable thing. But my problem has been putting in the time to really learn the craft. I don't want to be a pro. I don't want to call myself a photographer (so I don't incense my real photographer friends), but I do take pictures.

While I've spent a good majority of my life learning the intricacies of programming languages, staying up all night to write code, fix a broken site, and generally try to come up with ideas for the next big thing, it's simply not what I truly want to focus on. I'll try and fail for sure at some of this. Failing really sucks, but, it's also a great way to learn. I've sure typed a bunch of I's in this post. But that's what you get today.

Photo credit andrewhurley

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My Business Wish List For 2010

I read Chris Brogans list the other day, and since I want to be like Chris, I just had to create my own list. I like that he has actual measurable goals. Things that you can so yes I did that, or no I missed the mark on that one. The one thing I regret not having completed this year, and one I promised Jason Alba I would complete, was writing one, if not two, books. I have some of one book written, but that doesn’t mean jack. So here it goes.

My Business Plans For 2010:

  • For PressDev, I want to create new site tells the story much better. I’ve been wire framing something, but now it’s time to implement.
  • I want more of my contacts to know and understand what my company does. I want to understand better what my company does.
  • I want to bring several new business sites online. There is a small window of opportunity here, I need to strike fast.
  • I want to publish at least 3 books under the Complete Geek Guide To: title.
  • I want to finish my WordPress Book, I’m Using WordPress, Now What???
  • Then I want to write more vertical books on Enterprise Content Management Systems.
  • I want to help more people put on community driven events, like WordCamps and PodCamps.
  • I want to blog more, and use Twitter and Facebook more strategically.

My Business Wish List For 2010

  • I want to speak at more events next year. Do you need someone to speak on WordPress or Podcasting, contact me.
  • I want to do less coding and more strategic planning and solution architecting. I have 20+ years in the IT field, it’s not my first rodeo.
  • I want to read more.
  • I want to create more video content.
  • I want to stop using all the excuses that keep me from going where I want to go.

These are just some of the things I want and hope to accomplish in 2010. Most importantly, I want to diversify by creating multiple streams of income. Having all your eggs in one basket can cause some serious problems, as I am finding out right now.


Friday, October 19, 2007

No GTD Tool Required

I read a blog by Patti this morning that has more more sense of the whole GTD (Getting Things Done) syndrome than many I have read. Patti seems to have gone down the same path I did after reading David Allen's famous book Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity. Being the geek I am, there had to be some type of technology to make it work. After spending more time than should have been spent, I came to the same conclusion Patti did: you don't need a software tool to implement GTD.

This is my GTD tool. A Molekine notebook. Could be any notebook. In the past it was 25 cent notepads from Wal-Mart. Those wore out too fast so I upgraded. The only real change I've made to my system in a long time. I know from past experience when I write something in my Moleskine its in a trusted spot and I keep the book with me where ever I go. Dumping what's in my head into the Moleskine has made my life very manageable. Geeks often try and over complicate things. This is supposed to be a simple solution. So keep it simple.

Wanna See The Power Of Social Networking?

A few hours ago a young woman was requesting small donations to go to college. I think the starting amount was somewhere around $400. A Twitter friend of Chris Brogan mentioned this cause and Chris jumped into action. Within a few hours, and mostly through Twitter friends, people had donated enough money for the woman to meet her goal. As Chris proclaimed:
chrisbrogan: Raising over $500 in 2 hours? Great work, Twitter nation! I'm beholden to your power.

This was amazing. I'm sure everyone is abuzz over reaching the goal. But as Twitterer davedelaney said "@chrisbrogan: When the Brogan speaks we listen :-)" And I agree. That was the feeling of everyone who was watching and participating.

So my thought is, what else can we accomplish using Social Networking? Chris also started the Grasshopper Network which is a group of people dedicated to helping someone when they need it. All you have to do is ask.

Think what you could do and engage your Network.

Monday, April 16, 2007

What is your dream role?

Chris Brogan is someone I discovered through Twitter; he's a hoot. If you haven't signed up with Twitter yet, it's fast and easy, and I highly recommend it. On occasion Chris sends out little quips like this:
chrisbrogan If you changed jobs today, what would your dream role be? Are you working towards making that shift?

This is a really good one. It got me thinking if I'm doing that. If things changed today would they be what I wanted? Thanks for asking Chris. What are your comments? Are you willing to share?
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